What did you do with your flock today?

Beigie is fully recovered, and I moved her out with everyone else a few days ago. There’s been no issues (yet) on her end, but now Nugget is sick.
Everytime. Literally everytime, for 4 years, Beigie gets sick someone else does too. Without fail. Never the other way around, oddly enough. It’s an ongoing joke in my family that she drains the life out of the other birds to fuel herself.

Nugget has been inside for a day or two now. She hasn’t gotten worse, but she’s not better yet, either. She’s barely been eating, but today I made her some wet food with oats, and she ate a decent amount of that. If I can get her to keep eating, hopefully she’ll be okay.

I also have another bird with issues. I have no idea what’s wrong with her, but her face looks swollen? She’s my 4yo Brahma, Molly.
I’ve checked her all over, no bugs of any sort, no stings, nothing in her mouth. She’s still eating, drinking, acting completely normal.
She hasn’t shown any signs of respiratory problems, no sneezing or coughing, but recently one of her eyes has been getting bubbly. None of the other birds have shown any symptoms.

I don’t think it’s new, either. Looking at pictures of her from the last few months, her face slowly gets more swollen.
March 10:
View attachment 3211985
May 13:
View attachment 3211982
And then this Monday:
View attachment 3211983View attachment 3211984View attachment 3211986
I’m wondering if maybe it’s allergies? Although that’s not very common, from what I’ve seen. I’ve been researching if benadryl is something I could give her, but so far there’s been some very mixed results. I don’t know what else to try. :/
Idk but she looks so sad...those lil eyes!
Hoping she will be ok!
I have a heat plate that is down at the big run inside the chick brooder...only problem is the chicks can sometimes squeeze out of it and be out in the run with the older babies.
See pic
Our temps range anywhere from 80-100+ each day...havin been on higher end the past month! And dips to 70s at night.

This pic is old but shows the brooder setup with heat plate. The side in front of them that is open actually is of chicken wire and comes down to close over front of brooder but had numerous times where chicks escaped and then cannot get back inside the brooder away from older ones.
That's the new roo there in the middle...dadgum Bluey...supposed to have been a girl!
We gave one to my best bud but did it for her, recovered the darn thing and yes always dust. I did two of them.
This is my first time doing one. Thought I could remove the carpet and turn it into a fun tower in one of the chicken runs.
Beigie is fully recovered, and I moved her out with everyone else a few days ago. There’s been no issues (yet) on her end, but now Nugget is sick.
Everytime. Literally everytime, for 4 years, Beigie gets sick someone else does too. Without fail. Never the other way around, oddly enough. It’s an ongoing joke in my family that she drains the life out of the other birds to fuel herself.

Nugget has been inside for a day or two now. She hasn’t gotten worse, but she’s not better yet, either. She’s barely been eating, but today I made her some wet food with oats, and she ate a decent amount of that. If I can get her to keep eating, hopefully she’ll be okay.

I also have another bird with issues. I have no idea what’s wrong with her, but her face looks swollen? She’s my 4yo Brahma, Molly.
I’ve checked her all over, no bugs of any sort, no stings, nothing in her mouth. She’s still eating, drinking, acting completely normal.
She hasn’t shown any signs of respiratory problems, no sneezing or coughing, but recently one of her eyes has been getting bubbly. None of the other birds have shown any symptoms.

I don’t think it’s new, either. Looking at pictures of her from the last few months, her face slowly gets more swollen.
March 10:
View attachment 3211985
May 13:
View attachment 3211982
And then this Monday:
View attachment 3211983
I’m wondering if maybe it’s allergies? Although that’s not very common, from what I’ve seen. I’ve been researching if benadryl is something I could give her, but so far there’s been some very mixed results. I don’t know what else to try. :/
The only eye infections or facial swelling I've seen was caused by respiratory problems. They came on faster though and you said no respiratory problems so not sure. If it is, then antibiotics can cure it, but the bird can spread it to other birds. I've used erythromycin for it before. Hope shes ok and glad Beigies back to health.
I have a heat plate that is down at the big run inside the chick brooder...only problem is the chicks can sometimes squeeze out of it and be out in the run with the older babies.
See pic
Our temps range anywhere from 80-100+ each day...havin been on higher end the past month! And dips to 70s at night.
View attachment 3212026
This pic is old but shows the brooder setup with heat plate. The side in front of them that is open actually is of chicken wire and comes down to close over front of brooder but had numerous times where chicks escaped and then cannot get back inside the brooder away from older ones.
That's the new roo there in the middle...dadgum Bluey...supposed to have been a girl!
Anyway to lift the front enough for the little chicks to go under it but not the big ones? Or a little chick door? I like lifting the front because I find it gives the littles an escape all along the front and easier to adjust the size of it to fit the chicken in need. What a little puff ball Bluey is!
They are sooooo cute. It takes time to build up their trust. Mine start to trust me after they will see one of the friendlier ones coming to get the lettuce. I usually throw it for the flighty ones by my feet so that they have to come close to get it. They will come to love you. They know who their caretaker is. The other day I fell in duck pen trying to keep one of the drakes from having his way with an unwilling smaller hen. When I was down they both stopped and looked at me like, Okay, we'll stop, We Need You!!! lol It really was funny because they know I am their only caretaker and if I am down everyone else goes with me, lol.
That is too cute!!! I hope one day they do. The older ones are 6 weeks old. And the babies are 2 weeks old.

My mom brought over a little pool for them. It is small but I was hoping the sides were high enough and slippery enough they wouldn’t be able to get out (the older ones). 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 OH THAT WAS A GOOD ONE (slaps knee as saying this). My second oldest was trying to catch them because I was still trying to dry off the babies. She caught 3. The 4th one was running from her so fast and quacking so much that it sounded like it was laughing at her 🤣

Of course we caught it but these guys will have to be in the bathtub until we get the pond build. Which we will have everything tomorrow! And the fencing won’t take long to do
Oh my goodness @Gammas Bearded Babies . Your silkies are adorable... and I am not a silkie fan 😬 but I've seen a few that could possibly change my mind one day. Yours... are CUTE! 😍

I like that getaway idea and think I ou need to try it out asap so you can work through bugs b4 you go ♡♡♡♡

@ChicksnMore so sorry you did not feel well and hope all is good today for you. You made those sunflowers?! I love those... VERY clever ♡♡♡!!!
Well, not all days have to be productive. Sometimes putting yourself on your list is accomplishment enough.

@FrankieDoodle I agree w/ @c&m. I'd start with a broad spectrum antibiotic. Do you have antibiotic eyedrops? Eye wash? May help her to feel better.
I think Molly is beautiful 😍. I hope she is 100% soon.
Really glad to hear Beigie is better but sorry to hear about Nugget!! Oh well, chickens 🤦‍♀️Good thing you know what to do lol! Wishing Nugget a fast recovery too! ♡♡♡
This is my first time doing one. Thought I could remove the carpet and turn it into a fun tower in one of the chicken runs.

The only eye infections or facial swelling I've seen was caused by respiratory problems. They came on faster though and you said no respiratory problems so not sure. If it is, then antibiotics can cure it, but the bird can spread it to other birds. I've used erythromycin for it before. Hope shes ok and glad Beigies back to health.

Anyway to lift the front enough for the little chicks to go under it but not the big ones? Or a little chick door? I like lifting the front because I find it gives the littles an escape all along the front and easier to adjust the size of it to fit the chicken in need. What a little puff ball Bluey is!
Oh my goodness @Gammas Bearded Babies . Your silkies are adorable... and I am not a silkie fan 😬 but I've seen a few that could possibly change my mind one day. Yours... are CUTE! 😍

I like that getaway idea and think I ou need to try it out asap so you can work through bugs b4 you go ♡♡♡♡

@ChicksnMore so sorry you did not feel well and hope all is good today for you. You made those sunflowers?! I love those... VERY clever ♡♡♡!!!
Well, not all days have to be productive. Sometimes putting yourself on your list is accomplishment enough.

@FrankieDoodle I agree w/ @c&m. I'd start with a broad spectrum antibiotic. Do you have antibiotic eyedrops? Eye wash? May help her to feel better.
I think Molly is beautiful 😍. I hope she is 100% soon.
Really glad to hear Beigie is better but sorry to hear about Nugget!! Oh well, chickens 🤦‍♀️Good thing you know what to do lol! Wishing Nugget a fast recovery too! ♡♡♡
Frankie I agree looks allot like allergies but would encourage a broad spectrum antibiotic. Better safe than sorry.
This is new wheels on the tractor and the reason we have it. 4 banty View attachment 3212497View attachment 3212498
Thanks for the suggestions and well-wishes everyone!
I don’t have eye ointments, but I do have Baytril. She’s not laying much anymore, so whatever she gets, I won’t have to worry about that, at least.

Do you think a cold/warm water compress would help? Obviously not for her entire face, but maybe just for the problematic eye.

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