What did you do with your flock today?

Well...I got back to work on my coop today. My oldest usually helps me with building projects when I need it and she was too busy over the weekend. So I decided to just mess around today and see if I could figure out a way to do it alone. I ended up using a breaker bar propped over a rock....I sat on the bar and bounced til it lifted enough...and sitting on it had me low enough to pop bricks under. 🤣 It's still ugly...but it's straight now! Well...almost 😃.

Here's the straightened front.View attachment 3209235View attachment 3209236The front bottom edge showing how bad the frame is there and then with the beginning of the new brick frame I'm trying to put in there.View attachment 3209240View attachment 3209241And piles and piles of the remains of the pallet wood coop I had inside of there. It was tiny and airy...like all my coops. Just a place to lay eggs or sleep out of the wind if they want. With our weather, a shady run feels more important then the coop. It was almost the exact same design as the blue and black one I just finished...only made from pallet wood and a little bigger.

Think I can reuse some of this wood.
View attachment 3209248View attachment 3209249
And some of this once I've pulled it apartView attachment 3209250And this is the for sure garbage wood pile so farView attachment 3209253

My poor garden is a mess til I get this done! Did I mention I have no building skills and just fake it? 🤣
Looks good to me!! Well done 😁 I wish my back would let me fiddle around trying to build things!
Well tonight was a new one in chicken drama. I went out this afternoon and noticed I was missing two of my cockerels and couldn’t find them anywhere. I called and called them, looked everywhere I could think of…even made sure to check the poop bin since Cher disappeared in it! 😆 The two boys are the two black chicks my broodies hatched on my birthday. I posted a LOST post on Nextdoor and all of us looked again later in the day. I was feeling sad because Cocopuff is just a beautiful boy, but I was at peace with it because I would likely be rehoming them anyway. Fast forward to tonight, I was out putting birds away and filling waterers and such and I heard chicken noises coming from behind my big white coop. My daughter went over to check and said “Mommy! I see Cocopuff’s head!” Sure enough they had somehow gotten wedged between the coop and the fence and both were upside down and totally stuck. So we spent at least a half hour in 95 degree heat trying all sorts of yard implements to reach them and unwedge them enough to scoot them to one side or the other to pull them out. The big white coop weighs like 400 lbs so there was no moving it. It was NOT fun…but we finally got them both out. They were hungry and thirsty and I have no clue how long they were back there either. Aria and Dylan put the chickens away two nights in a row for me as I haven’t been feeling good. So they are now both resting in the dog crate coop by themselves with food and fresh water. And I’m an emotional wreck…we were sure Mumble Baby was either dead or broken because he wouldn’t move and made no sound…there was lots of stressed out and overheated yelling and crying from me and my daughter…ahhh chickens are such wonderful and amazingly frustrating birds!! 🤪😵‍💫🥵

On top of that, the person that said they wanted Fernando and Ruby has put off with excuse after excuse coming to get them for over two weeks and today she was going to come on her day off and just never replied to me. SO I still have to find them homes too. I tried to be understanding but I’m over it. We might keep Ruby for awhile but Fernando has to go. He is rough with the silkies and a pain in the butt. Ruby has mellowed and been nicer lately. Honey is molting and so she looks horrid and she is hot and tired of being picked on…so I’ve been bringing her inside periodically for rest and loves. She is the only chicken that purrs when she lays her head on your shoulder. She’s so sweet. 😍

On a lighter note…I entered into uber crazy chicken person land this morning. My daughter brought me Penny and I wanted to keep her with me in the morning while I sat in on some meetings, but I had to run the kids to daycare. I didn’t wanna try catching her again when I got back…so I just brought her with me 😁 She’s 1000% my favorite girl, and she knows it! She flies up to me out in the run, and she spent all day snuggled on me while I worked. Most of my chickens get up and wander away after a bit of time but she’s totally content to sleep on my shoulder ❤️❤️❤️ I love her. My kids thought it was hilarious and my husband thinks I’m loco. Haha, he’s mostly right!


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Well tonight was a new one in chicken drama. I went out this afternoon and noticed I was missing two of my cockerels and couldn’t find them anywhere. I called and called them, looked everywhere I could think of…even made sure to check the poop bin since Cher disappeared in it! 😆 The two boys are the two black chicks my broodies hatched on my birthday. I posted a LOST post on Nextdoor and all of us looked again later in the day. I was feeling sad because Cocopuff is just a beautiful boy, but I was at peace with it because I would likely be rehoming them anyway. Fast forward to tonight, I was out putting birds away and filling waterers and such and I heard chicken noises coming from behind my big white coop. My daughter went over to check and said “Mommy! I see Cocopuff’s head!” Sure enough they had somehow gotten wedged between the coop and the fence and both were upside down and totally stuck. So we spent at least a half hour in 95 degree heat trying all sorts of yard implements to reach them and unwedge them enough to scoot them to one side or the other to pull them out. The big white coop weighs like 400 lbs so there was no moving it. It was NOT fun…but we finally got them both out. They were hungry and thirsty and I have no clue how long they were back there either. Aria and Dylan put the chickens away two nights in a row for me as I haven’t been feeling good. So they are now both resting in the dog crate coop by themselves with food and fresh water. And I’m an emotional wreck…we were sure Mumble Baby was either dead or broken because he wouldn’t move and made no sound…there was lots of stressed out and overheated yelling and crying from me and my daughter…ahhh chickens are such wonderful and amazingly frustrating birds!! 🤪😵‍💫🥵

On top of that, the person that said they wanted Fernando and Ruby has put off with excuse after excuse coming to get them for over two weeks and today she was going to come on her day off and just never replied to me. SO I still have to find them homes too. I tried to be understanding but I’m over it. We might keep Ruby for awhile but Fernando has to go. He is rough with the silkies and a pain in the butt. Ruby has mellowed and been nicer lately. Honey is molting and so she looks horrid and she is hot and tired of being picked on…so I’ve been bringing her inside periodically for rest and loves. She is the only chicken that purrs when she lays her head on your shoulder. She’s so sweet. 😍

On a lighter note…I entered into uber crazy chicken person land this morning. My daughter brought me Penny and I wanted to keep her with me in the morning while I sat in on some meetings, but I had to run the kids to daycare. I didn’t wanna try catching her again when I got back…so I just brought her with me 😁 She’s 1000% my favorite girl, and she knows it! She flies up to me out in the run, and she spent all day snuggled on me while I worked. Most of my chickens get up and wander away after a bit of time but she’s totally content to sleep on my shoulder ❤️❤️❤️ I love her. My kids thought it was hilarious and my husband thinks I’m loco. Haha, he’s mostly right!
O my gosh what a day you had! They're so so lucky you found them in time! Let us know how they do!
Sorry you haven't been feeling well ❤️‍🩹
I want to hear Honey purr! That sounds so awesome.
And I've been called loco too...but ya know, one person's idea of loco can be another's idea of perfect. I can see why you love her...she looks so happy and sweet ❤️
Yeah, the guy said they do. Crazy, right!? I need to look it up. Maybe it goes into soup or something?:idunno I think you could probably make tea with it, but stinging nettle stew doesn’t sound good for your digestion. 😝
I read that the sting goes away once it’s cooked, and it’s supposed to be nutritious. They sell them at the nearby herb farm.
We added to our little village today! I’m so happy and excited!!! We got a couple White Call ducks and one ducklings (only white duckling she had left) and 2 silver ducklings, and 2 either miniature appleyards ducks or they are snowy ducks (she was told snowy when she got the parents but is almost positive they are miniature appleyards because of their body shape), and one is a grey call. We took pictures of the littles ones when we got them home cause they all had to ride in one tote together and the older ones were trampling the littles. So got them home fast…luckily is only a 20min drive
Oh How Precious they are!!!! Congratulations on your new additions.
I guess in a sense I'm lucky that way...my hubby's been banished from any kind of building or repair work because his results are so messy. He hires people for anything important, everything else I can play freely on. He knows if he doesn't like my results...the solution is to hire someone. Boy it's made him appreciative of my work! I'm the one who looks and wishes it looked better...he cares mostly about how cheaply it was done.

Will love hearing what you do with your pallets!
Wow, I think you did a great job. My Duck Pen looks very funny but I built it by myself. I am not a carpenter so I had to use regular prebuilt houses for their shelters and then tall chain link panels for the circumference of it with strong netting over the top to keep the hawks out. I use Night Guard red solar lights on all three exposed sides to keep the critters out of it and so far after two years everyone has been safe. My friends simply love it but personally I think it is a joke. The ducks are safe and they have never complained about it though, lol.
Well tonight was a new one in chicken drama. I went out this afternoon and noticed I was missing two of my cockerels and couldn’t find them anywhere. I called and called them, looked everywhere I could think of…even made sure to check the poop bin since Cher disappeared in it! 😆 The two boys are the two black chicks my broodies hatched on my birthday. I posted a LOST post on Nextdoor and all of us looked again later in the day. I was feeling sad because Cocopuff is just a beautiful boy, but I was at peace with it because I would likely be rehoming them anyway. Fast forward to tonight, I was out putting birds away and filling waterers and such and I heard chicken noises coming from behind my big white coop. My daughter went over to check and said “Mommy! I see Cocopuff’s head!” Sure enough they had somehow gotten wedged between the coop and the fence and both were upside down and totally stuck. So we spent at least a half hour in 95 degree heat trying all sorts of yard implements to reach them and unwedge them enough to scoot them to one side or the other to pull them out. The big white coop weighs like 400 lbs so there was no moving it. It was NOT fun…but we finally got them both out. They were hungry and thirsty and I have no clue how long they were back there either. Aria and Dylan put the chickens away two nights in a row for me as I haven’t been feeling good. So they are now both resting in the dog crate coop by themselves with food and fresh water. And I’m an emotional wreck…we were sure Mumble Baby was either dead or broken because he wouldn’t move and made no sound…there was lots of stressed out and overheated yelling and crying from me and my daughter…ahhh chickens are such wonderful and amazingly frustrating birds!! 🤪😵‍💫🥵

On top of that, the person that said they wanted Fernando and Ruby has put off with excuse after excuse coming to get them for over two weeks and today she was going to come on her day off and just never replied to me. SO I still have to find them homes too. I tried to be understanding but I’m over it. We might keep Ruby for awhile but Fernando has to go. He is rough with the silkies and a pain in the butt. Ruby has mellowed and been nicer lately. Honey is molting and so she looks horrid and she is hot and tired of being picked on…so I’ve been bringing her inside periodically for rest and loves. She is the only chicken that purrs when she lays her head on your shoulder. She’s so sweet. 😍

On a lighter note…I entered into uber crazy chicken person land this morning. My daughter brought me Penny and I wanted to keep her with me in the morning while I sat in on some meetings, but I had to run the kids to daycare. I didn’t wanna try catching her again when I got back…so I just brought her with me 😁 She’s 1000% my favorite girl, and she knows it! She flies up to me out in the run, and she spent all day snuggled on me while I worked. Most of my chickens get up and wander away after a bit of time but she’s totally content to sleep on my shoulder ❤️❤️❤️ I love her. My kids thought it was hilarious and my husband thinks I’m loco. Haha, he’s mostly right!
Oh how Sweet!!! I am so glad that your two boys ended up surviving their adventure. One of my young drakes that were in Drake Jail snuck out while I was feeding and watering them the other day. Out came the rubber net to catch him again and he wedged behind the duck coop. Only thing sticking out was part of a wing and one leg. I had to grab that and gently pull him out. I wasn't sure if I hurt him or not. Put him back in the Drake Jail coop and he sat in the insulated igloo dog house for over an hour. I thought for sure I hurt him. He was only sulking not getting to visit more with his girlfriends and was just fine. What a pickle these little birds can get into! lol

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