What did you do with your flock today?

Good morning gang and happy Aloha Sunday! May we all have a few high clouds and a good breeze today. 🌡🌬🌞
Beautiful chick photos. Absolutely love them. Great fun to have some fresh flocks on this thread. :jumpy
:frow We miss you @FrankieDoodle, know you are busy and hope you are having fun where and whatever you are up to.

I'm just sitting out in the yard this fine morning with my flock as they wander, but they mostly wait for the morning call back to the run and the treats they get for going back in. Just a few more hours lol. Spider has excellent watch and guidance skills. Such a hunk.

The teens have folded semi nicely into the flock -though I am not thrilled with the headache the cockerels are causing now- the 2 littles seem to be the target of the teens relentless obsession of bullying and it can be brutal. Despite all of the getaway spots they seem to keep getting caught, so back into the outside brooder they go. Nice and safe where they can eat and drink all they want freely.
Yesterday was pretty hot to I turned on a bunch of sprinklers and that helped us all cool a bit and provided today's fresh grass shoots 😋
Egg laying dropped in 1/2 yesterday. Need to start planning my mountain retreat. Thinking of building a new coop to accommodate all but the 3 cockerels (gulp)
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Made another trip outside. I love that they stay close by 😮‍💨. I just can’t have the “twins” out at the same time….they have no fear. But increased numbers from yesterday at 4 out at a time to 8…and they did very well!


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I pulled roots from the run which stirred up yummy earth worms and they followed me all over waiting for more lol then hubby spent the last two days making this cool chicken picnic table for their treats and they quite obviously loved that as well ❤


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I pulled roots from the run which stirred up yummy earth worms and they followed me all over waiting for more lol then hubby spent the last two days making this cool chicken picnic table for their treats and they quite obviously loved that as well ❤
I just love that treat table!

@pennyJo1960 your new coop is looking good!
My call ducks eggs should hatch soon so I put up a divider to separate her and the babies from the rest of the ducks. I'm hoping she'll make a good momma and raising her babies will end her laying for a while. We have too many eggs already and it'd be good for her.

I've sold a few pea babies, ducks and chickens this year and I'm wondering why I never did before. I'm going to have fun spending my little cash pile! 😁

I still have two ducks I'm hoping to sale. If I have to, I can butcher them but they're small and very friendly. I can never bring myself to butcher anything that lets me pet it. Then I have one pea baby I'm raising for the mom of one of our feed store guys. And I promised a friend that'd I'd try to hatch her a peahen this year...which will mean more extra babies. And another friend that I've promised a Spaulding baby to so that's even more extra babies. I somehow doubt they'll all sale, so I should still have extra birds left for the fellow that comes down from the Mountains here to pick up my unwanted birds. And I might call the fellow I got the Java from and see if he'll trade me a male Java for some of my birds.

5 of my peas we're up in their high area enjoying the morning today. They love to get up high and just look around. Not much of a view up there...but enough for them to enjoy a little.
My call ducks eggs should hatch soon so I put up a divider to separate her and the babies from the rest of the ducks. I'm hoping she'll make a good momma and raising her babies will end her laying for a while. We have too many eggs already and it'd be good for her.

I've sold a few pea babies, ducks and chickens this year and I'm wondering why I never did before. I'm going to have fun spending my little cash pile! 😁

I still have two ducks I'm hoping to sale. If I have to, I can butcher them but they're small and very friendly. I can never bring myself to butcher anything that lets me pet it. Then I have one pea baby I'm raising for the mom of one of our feed store guys. And I promised a friend that'd I'd try to hatch her a peahen this year...which will mean more extra babies. And another friend that I've promised a Spaulding baby to so that's even more extra babies. I somehow doubt they'll all sale, so I should still have extra birds left for the fellow that comes down from the Mountains here to pick up my unwanted birds. And I might call the fellow I got the Java from and see if he'll trade me a male Java for some of my birds.

5 of my peas we're up in their high area enjoying the morning today. They love to get up high and just look around. Not much of a view up there...but enough for them to enjoy a little.View attachment 3146839
I just love your pea coop. So big and airy and functional. I'm such a sucker for function. :love
That is a lot of #s and juggling you are planning to do. I personally think you should give tours 😂 I'd go!

I was happy to hear you are making a little cha-ching! I charge mostly so the person who buys them puts value and takes better care of. Many times I lessen my price ridiculously or gift, always asking to see their set up if I do not know them as the better the set up the less $ for the bird. Good intentions only go so far with me though I do try to be understanding. I was there, I lost a few birds when I started out too ☹ some people are just habitual and I would rather cull than they have a bad plight. Ok. Off into the weeds with that. I had an extra cup of Joe as I had to get up early this morning and went to bed late 😖
I actually have a back order on my eggs today ! (Speaking of cha-ching!) It is nice to make a little feed money to not feel so bad about my chicken budget/hobby/addiction. Unfortunately my girls had 2 slow days already. Yesterday was icky. I tried to make it up to the flock with frozen mango pieces and sprinklers. I'm sure these next few weeks will be motivating for me.
This week I will study for my motorcycle written test so I can get my permit! 😋😋😋😋 Just so I can go in and ace it and not have to take a second time because I did not see a trick question. Cool to be almost 60 and still be having adventures. Sounds weird to think about that #/age cuz I still feel 18 (till I look in the mirror 🪞😂).
Well, it is a laundry/meal worm/seal mosaic pots day for me too so I had better get. Look forward to popping in to see new posts (and chicky/pea/lavender/coop progress photos).
I spent the weekend upgrading the pigeon aviary. I reorganized their stuff, cleaned the walls, painted and installed more shelves, added another nest for them. They haven't been fond of the toys I've tried giving them in the past, but they were all super excited to run, fly, and play in my stuff while I was working on things. They thought the dirty paper towels placed neatly in a little basket were the best, and all six of them repeatedly scattered them everywhere. They thought I was playing with them every time I put the trash back in the basket. XD

The babies are full size now. I still don't know what gender they are, and probably won't for a while still, but I'm 90% sure Big Bird is a boy. He's a little more aggressive than Frittata, and by that I mean I've seen him chomp the parents a few times.
Both babies are super sweet. They both love sitting on me and preening me, but Frito especially loves me. She's flown on my should many times already, and just hangs out while I clean up. If I'm hanging out on the outside of the aviary, she'll get as close to me as she can and just watch me until I go in and she can sit on my hand. It's so cute. 😭❤️

Ever since Frito started flying on me, I've noticed a pretty dramatic change in Egg and Bert's behavior. They still don't like me petting or holding them, but they tolerate it now. Before, they'd throw a fit and fly away. They must trust me more after seeing me with their children. Now if only I can get King Louis and Ernie to do the same. XD

Speaking of Louis, I've been looking into the possibility of getting another fantail for her. She's been pretty lonely, and while Ernie is just now starting his courting rituals, she hasn't been interested. She tried to pair up with him when the two of them were first introduced, but he was pretty mean to her.
I found a pigeon breeder on craigslist that looks pretty good. He's got all kind of pigeons, like homers, rollers, owls, racers, fans, etc. I haven't contacted him yet because I don't want to rush into anything, but maybe soon.

Something I found really interesting about this guy, is that he's located pretty close to the HS I got my birds from. While looking at his stuff, I found he sells some birds that look exactly like Ernie. I've never seen anything like him, so I'm pretty sure Ernie is one of his. Ernie is banded, so I'd be interested to see if his bands match any of the others. Although I can't really ask without the possibility of him wanting Ernie back. XD

Frito and BB:

Frito, with Ernie in the back:

Egg in his new nest, Bert, BB, and Frittata:

The King:

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