What did you do with your flock today?

Aloha gang!
Super busy last few days. I never mentioned that my motorcycle deal went sour and so did the one after that but yesterday I spotted the little tu250 on our island and I was able to pick it up. It has a few things that need buttoning up. That has kept me hopping.
89° today with lighter trades ☹
Chooks are awesome. Helped me out in one way or the other all day long!
Better get out and put the crew to bed.
Well.. just getting ready for my serama eggs to hatch tomorrow! My slightly older chicks are starting to drive me nuts. They constantly dirty up their water.
Mine are 2 weeks old (3 on Wednesday) and I’m dealing with this! Every time I turn around I’m changing it. It’s almost immediate as soon as I put fresh water in. I have my older kids help me change it and check it otherwise that is all I’m doing.

And that is exciting! I have never hatched eggs before. I’m hoping to in the future. Post pics!
Wish I would have thought of this when my kids were young... the chickens. What? Did you think I meant caging my kids?!! Well, maybe just a little lol 😆
My 2 year old son would put himself in our dogs kennels and shut himself in. He doesn’t do that so much anymore. Not after him and one of his older sisters went in and they locked themselves in. The sister was freaking out and he thought it was funny! 😂
Mine are 2 weeks old (3 on Wednesday) and I’m dealing with this! Every time I turn around I’m changing it. It’s almost immediate as soon as I put fresh water in. I have my older kids help me change it and check it otherwise that is all I’m doing.

And that is exciting! I have never hatched eggs before. I’m hoping to in the future. Post pics!
Try elevating your water dishes. I put mine on little cement pads I made or even a brick or 2x. Helps alot.
There is a guy out here that has Lavender ameracauna out here I bought some from him a few years ago.
Bet they're pretty birds...I just love the puffy cheeks!
Just a random “what we did today”.
Your son is adorable! Not sure who looks happier...him or the birds!🥰
Well.. just getting ready for my serama eggs to hatch tomorrow! My slightly older chicks are starting to drive me nuts. They constantly dirty up their water.
Congrats on the babies coming!
Aloha gang!
Super busy last few days. I never mentioned that my motorcycle deal went sour and so did the one after that but yesterday I spotted the little tu250 on our island and I was able to pick it up. It has a few things that need buttoning up. That has kept me hopping.
89° today with lighter trades ☹
Chooks are awesome. Helped me out in one way or the other all day long!
Better get out and put the crew to bed.
Motorcycles! I've only tried to ride one once and was too short to touch the ground with my feet. My friend had to save me from the bike falling on me...though he might have been saving the bike come to think of it!
Yesterday was hubbys bday. He's a pepper fiend so we made him chocolate cupcakes with...peppers!

Thankfully I only added the peppers to four of the cupcakes. And thankfully we had plenty of nice cool ice cream to go with them. 🤣

It's supposed to reach 110 today so I added extra cooling bowls to the baby birds run. Think I have enough for them to all keep cool!
Good morning gang! Very clever cakes for the pepper loving birthday boy @ChicksnMore ! I'm not a pepper person but it sounds pretty good. I hope he had a good day.

@pennyJo1960 how's the lavender Ameraucana? 😍 would love to see a photo. What color eggs is she giving you? All that chat I missed in past post about lavender birds sounds yummy.

@Chickn10der Looks like a great day ♡♡♡ I'm glad you 2 are having great chicken adventures together.

Love your name!

@racyfamily lol mine too. It was actually a closet and they still talk about it- 20+ years later. Obviously big sister and instigator may never live that one down.

@Bonkerelli Hows the hatch? I'm hoping you share some photos :fl
as they are always fun and never get old.

Yestereve I was able to fit in a bunch of past due coop cleaning. I found a broken egg in one of the nest boxes so needed to switch out some materials there too. Almost time to do my summertime coop scrubbing. Been so dry and dusty here everything looks yucky 😕 even with my TONS of mulch. Guess I'd be really sad without it! I think the trades lessen even more today. Makes for a beautiful sunset and sunrise but will make for a long day so, probably a good day to water the lawn (well water solar pump) cool the property down and make puddles. I have frozen Mango for the flock. They ot to love that!

Well gang. I think it is a great day to show off your birds. Lavender or not but maybe especially 🤩

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