What did you do with your flock today?

Aloha gang! Today I added a few more feed bags full of mulch to the run and surrounding areas. I also cleaned out both brooders. The feral chicks were fantastic and trusting, amazing how calm they were. I gave both brooders a mix of mulch and alfalfa bedding instead of the wild grass.
I busted the ferals rolling around in it. Time to put a bowl of sand in there for them.

DH went to town for doc appointment today and he picked me up some fresh feed. Feed store close by has had some buggy food so I emptied my feeders, cleaned them out and added fresh feed. So yummy good. The old stuff I put in a big container and DH can feed to the pasture flock.
a few of my pullets are fishing around the nest boxes already. Seems a little early but maybe rsl moms? 🤔 forgot how much I don't like summertime POL.
Oh gosh, this morning 2 of my (favorite) pullets hoped the fence. My auntie saw them outside trying to get and told me about a half hour later when they were disappeared. My heart sank. I called I looked, I drove, called and looked some more. I put a lost and found add on craigslist as maybe a do-gooder thought them lost... next was to call the feed store gal.in hope someone different would come in or mention... another 1/2 hour passes and a miracle. AJ spots them at the neighbors across the street. They had been hiding under the house. As I write a hunting dog is out and sniffing where they were. Now they are safe at home and locked up. This teenage stage is probably the least safe at my house because of the fence hoping. Welp. That was my coffee hour morning. Feel like 🤮🚽 I was so worried.

On the flip side, pre incident, I got to see my big handsome spider do what her does. A few feral roos have been sniffing around, moving closer. One was on top my coop last night and this morning he was at the back fence line. Spider in his large presence proudly walked to the fence larger than life and the roo hightailed. Wished I had my phone, he was beautiful. I can see why my hens love him so.

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