What did you do with your flock today?

made stilts a necklace. (yes yes, i know. i am weird.) View attachment 2892635
I put a dolls apron on my chickens when I was younger so no, you’re not weird lol.
Ling Ling has been on an 'escape the yard' spree for around two weeks. Every time I think I blocked up the area she escaped from, she finds a new way out. About a week ago she had a really close call with a coyote, and had Honey not been out (along with my dad) to chase it away, it definitely would've gotten her. The dumb duck was completely oblivious. :he
Now she's stuck under almost constant supervision until someone can run chicken wire around the bottom of the fence.
Silly Ling Ling!! Why do they feel the need to escape their fabulous home?? My little bantam Cochin Molly keeps tempting fate by flying over the fence into the yard! 🤦🏼‍♀️ She’s gonna get attacked by one of the dogs if she’s not careful! 😣

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