What did you do with your flock today?

Great photos there
These are my 9 last time .. get another one tomorrow
I love photos gang :love thank you soooo much!!
I caught my son when he got home from work and he hopped the fence and held the kittens for a bit. He was in a good mood and I am hopeful. He is 27 and single, lives alone in a little 2 bedroom house. I told him chicks dig guys with cats. Right ladies?!! ;););)

@Artichoke Lover that must be a blast fostering cats and kittens. How many do you personally have and how many have you adopted since starting to foster?

@room onthebroom I know right?! I think I would be a little insane to take on more kitties but, well... ya know, I kinda am so I guess it is just my denial that is stopping me. Plus I don't really want DH to discover how looney I am, I am pretty sure I still have him fooled.
I did hold back from putting the cutest photos in the add why I ponder these things. My subconscious is not so sub.

@penny1960 how many chicks do you have now? and chickens? You have a pretty full house. Good girl!

Well, the cool thing about kittens is they catch all the dust bunnies under the couch and in the corners. Another notch in the plus column.

Well, I got nice beach wood roosts up for the boys and one hop. Not sure how they will navigate their way up yet. May add another hop for them after I see how they do. Nice to get that off my list
I love photos gang :love thank you soooo much!!
I caught my son when he got home from work and he hopped the fence and held the kittens for a bit. He was in a good mood and I am hopeful. He is 27 and single, lives alone in a little 2 bedroom house. I told him chicks dig guys with cats. Right ladies?!! ;););)

@Artichoke Lover that must be a blast fostering cats and kittens. How many do you personally have and how many have you adopted since starting to foster?

@room onthebroom I know right?! I think I would be a little insane to take on more kitties but, well... ya know, I kinda am so I guess it is just my denial that is stopping me. Plus I don't really want DH to discover how looney I am, I am pretty sure I still have him fooled.
I did hold back from putting the cutest photos in the add why I ponder these things. My subconscious is not so sub.

@penny1960 how many chicks do you have now? and chickens? You have a pretty full house. Good girl!

Well, the cool thing about kittens is they catch all the dust bunnies under the couch and in the corners. Another notch in the plus column.

Well, I got nice beach wood roosts up for the boys and one hop. Not sure how they will navigate their way up yet. May add another hop for them after I see how they do. Nice to get that off my list
I’m a terrible enabler, but I say embrace your insanity. You take great pictures & they are the gorgeous models. It’s a perfect match.
I love photos gang :love thank you soooo much!!
I caught my son when he got home from work and he hopped the fence and held the kittens for a bit. He was in a good mood and I am hopeful. He is 27 and single, lives alone in a little 2 bedroom house. I told him chicks dig guys with cats. Right ladies?!! ;););)

@Artichoke Lover that must be a blast fostering cats and kittens. How many do you personally have and how many have you adopted since starting to foster?

@room onthebroom I know right?! I think I would be a little insane to take on more kitties but, well... ya know, I kinda am so I guess it is just my denial that is stopping me. Plus I don't really want DH to discover how looney I am, I am pretty sure I still have him fooled.
I did hold back from putting the cutest photos in the add why I ponder these things. My subconscious is not so sub.

@penny1960 how many chicks do you have now? and chickens? You have a pretty full house. Good girl!

Well, the cool thing about kittens is they catch all the dust bunnies under the couch and in the corners. Another notch in the plus column.

Well, I got nice beach wood roosts up for the boys and one hop. Not sure how they will navigate their way up yet. May add another hop for them after I see how they do. Nice to get that off my list
Right now I technically have one personal cat. But I still help my parents their three cats that we got when I was in my teens. Im living at home right now while I save up to build a house. I love the this area and have plans on building on the other side of the property. As for foster cats I can list about 15 ranging from adult cats to 2 or 3 day old bottle babies. It is a lot of fun but the little ones are exhausting. Right now I only have one named Toby who is 6-7 months old who may become a foster fail if someone doesn’t adopt him soon:gig
I spent 30 minutes rounding everybody up after I accidentally left the pen open this morning. I was up most of the night messing with the incubator again. I went and sat next to the coop for a little bit. It’s so funny listening to them sing the egg song. Everyone sings it even the roosters out in the bachelor pen!
Oh lord I hear ya! :thMy boys are driving me nuts. It may possibly be the first time ever (after the age of 18) that I look forward to summer. Like shut up already boys!!! If they don't cool it, they will blow my whole scene. I'm pondering thinning 1 or 2 roos for my sanity. :barnieSpring!!!!
Have not gone back out yet .. Need to do that make certain the yard I secure we have always had to keep them seperate
Sorry about your girl Penny. I hope she is able to pull out of it, poor thing.
I am 30 days into an attack on my BR. She is awesome- she got trapped in aunties compound, probably from DH working in aunties garage and passing through. It was a long ugly attack from a small puppy- her scabs are almost all gone, skin growing back, feathers are coming back in, she is almost 100% saucy again, just gotta keep the roos away from her. So I spend much of my day playing door monitor. Hens in the run to lay only. That way she gets to rehab w/o matting. Probably another 30 days of this... again Penny, I hope you are all good :hugs
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