What did you do with your flock today?

Agreed! We just need to move to a really big property :p
Little Tubman lived in a scarf around my neck for a few days until my chicks hatched (thank goodness!) and now that he has all those friends to play and eat with he does not even know I exist anymore lol. As my friend said, that one fell in a tub of butter when I found him.
Well, we have a cold front coming our way and now that Tubman is happy and out of my neck scarf I was able to get my life back and finish the weatherproofing on the main coop. I have been wanting/needing to finish that for a few months but our winter seems to be passing us by so it was easy for me to put off. How mild has our winter been you wonder? T shirt and short weather still and my newly hatched 1 & 2 day old chicks are not even under the heating pad all of the day in their outdoor brooder with only wire hardware cloth. I did stapled some feed bags for rain protection on the brooder because we are finally going to get a cold front in tonight.
I also scraped poop boards, leveled out left corner of main coop, sold 4 chicks, called a few people on my waiting list, told my big chickens they are super cute and fed them meal worms and bugs for fun.
Look at him ignoring me the little booger.
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I hope you all had a wonderful day!
Tubman looks very happy!
Our stock of live mealworms has finally got big enough that I can start feeding the birds the good snacks. It takes some time, because I like to pick most of the beetles & the pupae out before feeding, but man do they LOVE them! :love
I bet they do!
Our stock of live mealworms has finally got big enough that I can start feeding the birds the good snacks. It takes some time, because I like to pick most of the beetles & the pupae out before feeding, but man do they LOVE them! :love
Got any pictures? :pop
just let our chicks outside for the first time today, they liked it 👍🏻. I hope they enjoy being outside now that it’s going to be so nice out all the time. Here’s a pic of them when they were slightly younger, having a nap.


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