What did you do with your flock today?

I've been looking for this thread! I forgot what forum it was on. I definitely want to post what I've been doing but it's not cool enough to be it's own thread haha.

Monday-Wednesday I cleaned the coop and it looks great now. Instead of spreading pinestraw, I just untied the bale and kicked it around some and the birds spread it for me! Let's call that enrichment for them, not laziness for me. Haha.

Yesterday I found a hen with day old chicks and I moved them all to a brooder.

Today someone actually laid me eggs in my other coop so I'll be putting bedding in their nesting boxes now. (otherwise they just pull it out? idk)

That sounds so nice! I understand the need to take a break, I do once in a while. We had enough rain last night to leave a few puddles but not much. It’s gardening season here, just planted artichokes, garlic, carrots and lettuce. No flock atm.
What made you switch from chickens to ducks? Didn’t you have naked necks?
Must be because we don't have enough activity on this thread :idunno

Well.... today I got my fan!!!! So, I did a quick instal and I am thrilled because the mosquitos have been thick, thick, thick!!! as can be and I am barely fighting them off with spray and bug light. One chick may have the pox now... going to go have to check him in a bit. The bug light has not really been that helpful but I have ordered the scent package to put in it and I hope that will help it do better. If so, I will be thrilled and will order one for my auntie as she has flies in her enclosed patio attracting to her dogs poop. If not, $130. down the drain. That is a few months of my feed saving :th Chickens!

I've been keeping my big girls locked up in the run because our temps have cooled some and I have too many cockerels. So, cockerels can free range and the girls can hang with Shredder and lay eggs and babies got the garden area. Very peaceful that way!

K. all, happy soon to be Holidays, stay well and safe. I hope all keep it close to the vest and ride this Holiday out so we can live to enjoy another. Peace out all!!!
After 5 months I got my first egg last Friday, and I now have two laying so I’m close to a dozen eggs. Which is good, they were starting to become freeloaders lol. It’s been a while since I posted, classes have taken up all my time. Plus I just got two established bee hives, so onto the next project.

Congrats! One of my younger birds just started laying too.

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