What did you do with your flock today?

I got my hair cut yesterday. It went from almost to my hips (although it was always in a bun), to a very short, masculine style.
When I first showed Iris, he didn’t know what to think. He was strutting around the yard like normal, but froze when he saw me, like “who is this strange man in my yard?”
He only recognized my when I grabbed him. I think I actually might’ve seen a little disappointment in his eyes. :lau
Everyone else knew who I was, but the ducks have been ignoring me more than normal.
That’s quite a change! My daughter has hair down to her hips, but cut it to her shoulders once. Then she cried because she hated it.
Oh my gosh, love this thread <3
I was thinking- What didn't I do for my flock today? Cleaned, scraped, scrubbed, fed. One of my cockerels foot got caught so I taped a splint to his toe. Did a cage shuffle, taking my 4 week olds out of the brooder and into a cooler big kid cage under the orange tree, recapture my main roo because he is being bad and flogging my BR's and then made a couple of corbels so I can attach loulu palm leaves for an overhang on my brooder. With our sun swinging around to the North it has lost shade and my 2 day old chicks were panting in the shade away from their heating pad... so I had to move them to the mini brooder on my back deck so they could cool down. Very sad, hope this works.
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Then cleaned up all the poop i the yard b4 dinner.:rolleyes:
Good almost afternoon. I cleaned up the yard, cleaned and filled waterers and feeders and stirred the litter in the coop. The flock got some crickets with their scratch this morning and some FF a little while later. I’m working on training my AC chicks to roost at night. Their poor mama has been huddling with them in a corner at night and they’re almost as big as she is.
fed, watered, sang to, let them range a bit. They followed dog and me the the faucet today. A pleasant surprise! They came into run early, as if they were feeling guilty for giving me a hard time last night. We are working on their nest. I put shingles on their plywood nests today.
Who chicken-sits if you go away?


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