What did you do with your flock today?

Yes. I am just waiting until I get at least 55 if I can possibly make it until then. I am 51 will be 52 in Dec. I have needed the total knee replacements since I have been 45. The doctors have gone in and re- positioned both my knee caps the patella bones on both knees twice and actually my rim Rt knee three times. I have had complete synovectomies done three times on the right and two times on the left to resurface and clean out all the arthritic junk and build up from inflammation caused by the psoriatic arthritis mess. It builds up like the size of a softball or larger and just pushes my patella over to one side of my knee totally dislocating it and all the structural muscles and tendons just stretch and tear coming complete loose in the meantime having to be reattached as well. This surgery is actually worse than a replacement including the rehab. I have been told this by my orthopedic, my rheumy, and my physical therapists many times. They are getting away from doing the total synovectomies these days on patients unless they are in situations like mine and they have a disease like mine and are young like me and have it very young and it’s bad but insurance doesn’t like to our implants in so early. They know that they may have to put them in twice is the problem. Cheap skates.
Oh my goodness, this sounds awful, I'm sorry you're going through this. I thought my ACL replacement was tough! I do suffer from a chronic illness that causes a lot of pain so, I can relate. I hope you can find some semblance of relief in he meantime. 💗
Yes. I am just waiting until I get at least 55 if I can possibly make it until then. I am 51 will be 52 in Dec. I have needed the total knee replacements since I have been 45. The doctors have gone in and re- positioned both my knee caps the patella bones on both knees twice and actually my rim Rt knee three times. I have had complete synovectomies done three times on the right and two times on the left to resurface and clean out all the arthritic junk and build up from inflammation caused by the psoriatic arthritis mess. It builds up like the size of a softball or larger and just pushes my patella over to one side of my knee totally dislocating it and all the structural muscles and tendons just stretch and tear coming complete loose in the meantime having to be reattached as well. This surgery is actually worse than a replacement including the rehab. I have been told this by my orthopedic, my rheumy, and my physical therapists many times. They are getting away from doing the total synovectomies these days on patients unless they are in situations like mine and they have a disease like mine and are young like me and have it very young and it’s bad but insurance doesn’t like to our implants in so early. They know that they may have to put them in twice is the problem. Cheap skates.
I am sorry that the problems are happening at such a young age!

Insurance not paying for the replacement is sad since there is so much pain.
I brought my older pullets inside, our air quality outside has been hovering around 500 (that's as high as the reading goes! 😭 ) and will remain that way through Monday at the earliest (I'm in Central Oregon).
There's some pictures on the link above. They're all pretty dang content, I gotta give it to them, they are acting super adaptable :)
I have seen some as high as 580 in Oregon! We are at 287 and it is hard to breath
They’re all moved in.

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