What did you do with your flock today?

I have 3 broodies so while checking on their sincerity (they are sitting on fake eggs at the moment) I noticed that my main nesting box which now doubles as a broodie box, was pulling away from the wall. I spent about an hour out in the coop fixing it and occasionally stopping to cuddle one or two birds.

I started 9 eggs in my incubator for them. I want to make sure that the eggs are viable before I give them to the three girls to hatch.
I am a terrible chicken mother, I took a shower this morning before I went out to open the poop door on the coop. When I did finally open the door it like they had been launched from a cannon! I made it up to them with mealworms and soldier fly larva. And I pondered how it will work when Amelia the 3 week old buff orpington jumps to my shoulder when she is full grown?

We went outside, kicked out the big birds and enjoyed the coop. We sun bathed, took selfies and played dead.


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Haha fortunately no, I saw them and recall going “oh no no no, until you can control your sphincter you ain’t coming in here”

But they try come through the door often and I tell them the same thing 😂🙈

One went back out the window the other two went to the door. Thank goodness haha.
One time I was flat out on the bed with Bronchitis triggered Asthma. At that time the matress was on the floor. I had the sliding glass door open for fresh air and Chicken TV.

I fell asleep but woke to the sound of a questioning Awwwk? I opened my eyes and there was a red hen stepping over the threshold. Another Awwk and the Black hen peeked around the corner. She too stepped in. I couldnt yell or get up... So I threw a Sock at the red hen ... They both did an about face and left.


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