What did you do in the garden today?

The garlic I planted last year is rotted. šŸ˜¤ This is the second year in a row; it grows fine when I plant it, then when everything thaws it dies. Might have to try it indoors this yearā€¦Some of the onions look like they survived. Maybe Iā€™ll get seeds off of those.

Beyond that I put together some new garden planters and planted my peas, hopefully I will get the potatoes in tomorrow. I also went to a farm and garden thing and brought home a little hazelnut sapling I have no place to put. Is plant math a thing? Usually I just have the herbs multiplying exponentially out of control, not a tree. Oh well I guess before I can get the problem that itā€™s too big for a pot I have to manage to not kill it.
The garlic I planted last year is rotted. šŸ˜¤ This is the second year in a row; it grows fine when I plant it, then when everything thaws it dies. Might have to try it indoors this yearā€¦Some of the onions look like they survived. Maybe Iā€™ll get seeds off of those.

Beyond that I put together some new garden planters and planted my peas, hopefully I will get the potatoes in tomorrow. I also went to a farm and garden thing and brought home a little hazelnut sapling I have no place to put. Is plant math a thing? Usually I just have the herbs multiplying exponentially out of control, not a tree. Oh well I guess before I can get the problem that itā€™s too big for a pot I have to manage to not kill it.
What zone or region are you in?
The littles are off the front porch and in the grow out pen. Yay! Theyā€™re enjoying the run but I havenā€™t seen them go inside the mini coop. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll get there. I did manage to get a little weeding done in the asparagus and one of the tomato beds. Lots of cleaning to catch up on. Grandkids will be here tomorrow early to help with the garden.

I'm very glad I marked where the potato rows were last year, because you never get all the potatoes! I have 6-8 volunteers coming up. I took out some seed potatoes, and didn't need many for those two rows, that's for sure!

I'll have to check for more volunteers in the other rows. Bet I don't need many seed taters this year at all.

I feel bad for all the sprouting taters I'm going to be tossing into the woods. Sorry, spuds. We should have eaten more of you.
Celebrity is also resistant to a blight I get.
Early girl is good because it's well early šŸ˜‚
San Mariano is probably the best for canning. Not usually for slicing since it's long not round. It's a Roma type which doesn't have much juice .
I just love tomatoes.... All varieties. I have 46 plants in the garden this year. Honestly I'll probably squeeze in a few more if I find new varieties at the nursery when I go.... Tomato math!

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