What did you do in the garden today?

Better weather today, dug out mulch from the pile, to help with erosion. pulled weeds from the garlic patch. Back yard still to wet to mow, swapped to weed-eater mowed everything else. Front Garden is still too wet to till. Asparagus bed is fruiting, third year so I should be able to harvest. Bees were very busy will add honey suppers soon....
I string trimmed the perimeter of the garden until the string flew out of the trimmer, as I'd used it all up. I need to reload it tomorrow.

I did some weeding, gave the chickens a 5 gallon bucket of weeds.

My potatoes are all sprouting, and have sprouts a foot long! :eek: I'll plant them and a bunch of onions next week. I want to till the potato patch, but I need hubby's help getting the tiller started. He'll be back Thursday, and it'll probably be after the weekend before he can help me with my project.
Does the yard count?
yesterday we went to home depot and priced these lawn chairs resort style, not ratchet style. We also checked Walmart. We liked the price better at Walmart almost 1/2 for the lawn chairs. We also got the big towels.
Yesterday we also got patio chair table cushions, red, from home depot ( originally for different chairs.) Then today we went back to Walmart, and found red patio cushions for half the price. Well the cushions were cheaper, but in this case we liked the cushions that cost more from home depot. We will return the Walmart cushions.
Does the yard count?View attachment 3801393yesterday we went to home depot and priced these lawn chairs resort style, not ratchet style. We also checked Walmart. We liked the price better at Walmart almost 1/2 for the lawn chairs. We also got the big towels.
Yesterday we also got patio chair table cushions, red, from home depot ( originally for different chairs.) Then today we went back to Walmart, and found red patio cushions for half the price. Well the cushions were cheaper, but in this case we liked the cushions that cost more from home depot. We will return the Walmart cushions.
Have to take new photos of the yard swing each side has tables.
Bought it like 50 dollars 20 years ago second hand.
Like your house too!
My right hip and knee are absolutely screaming and throbbing. I can hardly stand it. It's rare that it hurts this badly. I'm nauseous from the pain. I can't bring myself to get up and make dinner. It's like they're leaching pain into the surrounding bones. Ugh. But I finished planting the pie pumpkins, snacking seed pumpkins, and first set of summer squash plants. We'll see how these do. Hopefully the neighbors gophers don't get too bold. I've killed two over by the raised beds and one out front in the last three weeks. I am getting sick of them not trapping their vermin themselves... Their blasted loud solar noise makers... Caster oil... 🤦‍♀️ Then I have to kill them. I've killed over 280 gophers over the last 9 years on our 1/3 acre. I don't feel bad in the slightest.

I've been needing some loppers to trim tree branches for a while and found a pair of Corona FL3420 anvil loppers at a nearby garage sale today. Good quality, but...

One of the handles had been "MacGyvered", as the woman at the sale told me. A broken handle was replaced with a section of an aluminum cane. Haven't tried it yet, but for $2 it was still a good score. If the cane handle doesn't work out I can make a different one.

It's actually kind of a funny fix. Combination walking stick/lopper?

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Does the yard count?View attachment 3801393yesterday we went to home depot and priced these lawn chairs resort style, not ratchet style. We also checked Walmart. We liked the price better at Walmart almost 1/2 for the lawn chairs. We also got the big towels.
Yesterday we also got patio chair table cushions, red, from home depot ( originally for different chairs.) Then today we went back to Walmart, and found red patio cushions for half the price. Well the cushions were cheaper, but in this case we liked the cushions that cost more from home depot. We will return the Walmart cushions.
I've found that Walmart online is also way cheaper than Amazon for a lot of the same (Chinese junk) stuff. But the descriptions are better on Amazon so I will look them up on both and then buy it cheaper on Walmart.com.

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