What did you do in the garden today?

Another windy day with fire hazard. Still waiting for just right weather. Thinking of fishing. I do a Memorial weekend fishing trip every year. Mid May starts getting good for sunfish spawn and through end of May early June. So much needs done outside.
Fishing trip sounds wonderfully relaxing. I hope you catch a big one! But, yeah, so much to do!

It's really good to have traditions to feed your soul. And your plate. 😂
Good morning gardeners. Busy day today. I up potted the cilantro, and sage. Trying to find spaces for all the larger pots. My sunroom looks like the back room of a garden center, and not in a pretty way. It looks like we are getting to warmer temperatures on Sunday, thank goodness I can finally start moving things outside. I only got just a little work done on the slope yesterday. I'm not sure if I'll have the opportunity today. Laundry is going and the sourdough bread is on its first rise. Scattered shows and a bit on the cool side today so outdoor work is a bit iffy. This would be a great day to plant some shrubs if the showers are scattered enough. Fingers crossed.

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