What did you do in the garden today?

Nothing much happening but scheming at the moment. This last week.... Well. Things went south hard and fast there for a bit. Light duty wasn't going to fix the problem, the problem was already beyond fixing sadly. I'm recovering, nearly feel normal again, itching to garden but we've moved up our moving plans in light of recent developments and now I'm scheming to get tires set up for an instant-garden. Probably be a painfully late garden again this year.... Oh well. I'll get a little out of it at least.
Hope all is well!! :hugs
Good morning gardeners. More melting going on today. Looks like we will be getting a nor'easter Monday night all the way into Wednesday morning. We may get 6 inches of heavy wet snow. I'm not looking forward to that. On the upside the temperatures will be above freezing so it should melt away quickly. I just ordered the the hardware to convert plastic trash barrels into rain barrels. With expanding the gardening areas installing several rain barrels should help with the water bill. There's also a drainage pipe running under the tiered section of my backyard that I can divert into a barrel near where I'm planning a large garden area. I think I can add a gutter on the south side of the chicken coop and collect that water as well. Attaching a gutter on the potting shed I can collect water there and it's also slightly uphill of the big raised garden beds on the north side of the property. This won't supply all my water needs but will help take a bite off the water bill. I've got my starter trays ready to be filled with dirt so I can get some of the warm season crops started within the next few days. I'm not quite sure where I'm going to plant these but I picked up some black turtle peas and sunflower seeds yesterday. DD is checking HD today to see if they have Jersey Knight asparagus crowns. She'll also be looking for fingerling seed potatoes. Our back up plan is to get the organic fingerling potatoes at Whole Foods. Time to get moving. I'm hoping for rain in this impending Nor'easter especially for you @Sueby. Have a great day all.
I think 6ft skinny bamboo stakes are better than those poke in the ground 4ft tall round tomato cages. My buckets are spread 2ft apart so if I put a stake in the first and third bucket, I can put four across to stabilize a trellis. A packet of 6 bamboo stakes cost half the price of one tomato cage and it can support 3 plants.

I also put a 6ft bamboo stake in 4 corners of my 4 x 4 raised bed and wrapped cheap bird netting around it. and I used wooden clothes pin to hold it in place. It keeps my chickens out..........................I zip tied stakes across the middle and sides with 6 more bamboo stakes to support 4 tomato plants with hanging string.
Pic? I have three packages of those things and a ton of tomato sprouts. Was thinking of trying this myself but not sure how to attach to the bucket.
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Ran up to Lowe's for blood meal and worm castings. Then I found out my bank card was compromised, again. 😡 SOBS steal when the banks are closed for the weekend. I called it in and had my card canceled. Now I have to wait for Monday to get a new card. AND, I have to wait for 3 business days, until the case has been reviewed, to get my money put back in. Some people suck. 😡 I jut had my PayPal account compromised in November. Had to jump through hoops to get that all fixed. Then I closed the account. So frustrating!

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