What did you do in the garden today?

Seen the surgeon today. the pinkie toe with the smashed bone, he said not a hell of a lot to do there, those breaks typically are not really 'bad' and for the most part they leave them alone and they heal themselves over time. The bone now looks like, if you were to take one of those rolls of like breakfast biscuits that you smack on the table and it splits open and unravels with the dough oozing out... that's kind of what it looks like. it doesn't feel much better either. I have a lot of pain the center of my foot too, he said THAT is concerning, because there is a lot of tendons and cartilage etc there, which does NOT heal properly by itself and causes big issues if not taken care of properly.

So the bone, suck it up buttercup, here's a boot to try to keep it sort of immobile. The tendons , an MRI is ordered and depending on what they find, decides if I need surgery or not. If I need surgery I am ooc for 8 weeks on that foot /leg. If not, then it's, take it easy on it but it's in a boot that I can take OFF at the end of the day to let air to it, CLEAN IT (YES THANK GOD !!!) and sleep better etc.

So at least I can sort of hobble around and do SOME things. Ive already established my dominance over the peach pest, he immediately come running up to see what the 'new daddy chew toy' was all about. I gave him a boot/ slide across the floor followed up with raising the leather belt and a stern NO !!. He now knows that chewing the humans leg boot is a No Go :D. Crawling up to get on lap or shoulder is ok, chewing on, NOT ok. So there's that bit of a win today. But now he's mumbling and walking circles around me wondering what's up, so I hope I don't have to deal with him realizing im injured again and following me around like a puppy. I think we'll be ok on that end.

Walking on this thing is just weird. I almost want to order a second one so that I am even and not walking lobsided. Maybe Ill tape a piece of 2x4 under my other foot to straighten up.

Im starting to think, that wearing this boot, riding a motorcycle might actually be easier, because it's giving you a lot of extra standing support, since your ankles are not bending, but can almost pretty much guarantee that any cop seeing you on a bike with a cast, you are getting pulled over :) so that's a No-Go too :(

Off to make the MRI appointment, gaah this new year just sucks so far.

This image is not the best but you can kind of see how it's splitting / kind of like unraveling, shifting sort of. The ligaments / tendons in the middle of the foot won't show up on X ray hence the need for the MRI. let's hope there is no surgery. Either way, this hurts like hell. Aaron
toe too.jpg
This image is not the best but you can kind of see how it's splitting / kind of like unraveling, shifting sort of. The ligaments / tendons in the middle of the foot won't show up on X ray hence the need for the MRI. let's hope there is no surgery. Either way, this hurts like hell. Aaron
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Oh man that looks painful! :hitI wish I could say something useful but you are already an expert in pain management I think.
and.... now Paco is standing on my boot, looking up at me and whining. great, he knows im hurt and will probably follow me around for the next week being a pest.

Yes on one hand it's adorable but on the other, dangerous. God forbid I trip or stumble or step oh him by mistake because he insists on following me. NO I can NOT lock him up either, I tried that when I had my back surgery and if I don't leave his cage unlocked he will literally sit in there and cry like a baby. So Im kind of stuck with a feathered shadow. Maybe I can velcro some kind of perch or something TO the boot so he can sit on that and swing / step WITH me instead of following me. At least unlike a chicken, he follows behind and does not try to leap in front and squat !!

The things I have to put up with. But he means well so what can I do :🤷:

and.... now Paco is standing on my boot, looking up at me and whining. great, he knows im hurt and will probably follow me around for the next week being a pest.

Yes on one hand it's adorable but on the other, dangerous. God forbid I trip or stumble or step oh him by mistake because he insists on following me. NO I can NOT lock him up either, I tried that when I had my back surgery and if I don't leave his cage unlocked he will literally sit in there and cry like a baby. So Im kind of stuck with a feathered shadow. Maybe I can velcro some kind of perch or something TO the boot so he can sit on that and swing / step WITH me instead of following me. At least unlike a chicken, he follows behind and does not try to leap in front and squat !!

The things I have to put up with. But he means well so what can I do :🤷:

So I mentioned that I discovered my lemon tree is infested with spider mites a few days ago. I majorly doused the tree in insecticidal soap (castile soap and neem oil). I also painstakingly washed down every single leaf and sprayed the mulch around the bottom. I've been watching it closely every since... I haven't seen any more evidence of spider mites but I am seeing these little things. Anyone know what they are? I would guess are approximately 1/8th of an inch (3 mm) in size? I've been individually picking them off as I find them. I don't think the insecticidal soap is doing much against them. NOTE - I don't think the chewed leaves are from these things. They were from the tree being outside before I brought it inside for winter.



almost look like some sort of aphid. Its hard to tell by the picture, but do they have little sucker mouths on them? Try dusting the tree with DE or putting some on the dirt, anything climbing around / up onto it will get dusted with it. Be CAREFUL a little de goes a long way and you don't want to clump just every so lightly dust it. I have an electrostatic disperser? that I can push fine powders thru with, it's not for normal tree poofting use, I kind of modified an industrial electrostatic epoxy'ing device but. principal is the same, a vaccuum with slight pickup might work, ... if you are in a playing mood, .. here's the idea, go have fun.

otherwise, I know it's good for fungus' and stuff but maybe a slight spray with copper salts will take them out too, as it IS sort of toxic and we ARE out of the eating season.

almost look like some sort of aphid. Its hard to tell by the picture, but do they have little sucker mouths on them? Try dusting the tree with DE or putting some on the dirt, anything climbing around / up onto it will get dusted with it. Be CAREFUL a little de goes a long way and you don't want to clump just every so lightly dust it. I have an electrostatic disperser? that I can push fine powders thru with, it's not for normal tree poofting use, I kind of modified an industrial electrostatic epoxy'ing device but. principal is the same, a vaccuum with slight pickup might work, ... if you are in a playing mood, .. here's the idea, go have fun.

otherwise, I know it's good for fungus' and stuff but maybe a slight spray with copper salts will take them out too, as it IS sort of toxic and we ARE out of the eating season.

I can't tell if they have suckers or not. When I pick them off, they seem pretty flat. They are way bigger than the mites.

One thing I've decided to do is roll the tree out to the garage and put it inside a zippered mattress protector and then open up a pyrethrin fogger with the tree zipped inside. This should not only kill any mites I missed but also any fungus gnats or other pests.

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