What did you do in the garden today?

You must be on pins and needles, hoping all remain safe!
Nah... Tornado season is par for the course around here. We just had a tornado warning to the west of us. If it extends, we will be in the crosshairs but I'm not too worried about it. I'm more worried about the high winds bringing down tree limbs onto a vehicle. We have 4 vehicles (5 counting my son visiting) and only a 2 car garage. Geico just did a "reassessment" of our account and raised our rates from $420/month to $850/month! 🤬 They claimed they didn't have our children (ages 18 & 20) appropriately licensed on the account. So yeah, I can only imagine how badly they would screw me if I actually had to file a freaking claim.
My front yard. :gig

DH is cleaning them up now. I'm in cook mode, got 36 egg muffins for DHs breakfasts in the oven, 36 more to go in when they come out. Stocking up on chaffles (low carb sandwich bread thingies) right now. Then I have 2 whole chickens to cook. Finally the jam. Hopefully the back holds up because I gotta stock the freezer before surgery. Trying to do what I can sitting.
Nah... Tornado season is par for the course around here. We just had a tornado warning to the west of us. If it extends, we will be in the crosshairs but I'm not too worried about it. I'm more worried about the high winds bringing down tree limbs onto a vehicle. We have 4 vehicles (5 counting my son visiting) and only a 2 car garage. Geico just did a "reassessment" of our account and raised our rates from $420/month to $850/month! 🤬 They claimed they didn't have our children (ages 18 & 20) appropriately licensed on the account. So yeah, I can only imagine how badly they would screw me if I actually had to file a freaking claim.
I was actually thinking of the travelers lol. I’ve been through a few tornadoes myself, but the scariest was traveling in the dark and looking out the window to see a one coming. Couldn’t see it otherwise, so no idea where it was in relation to us between lightning flashes. No thanks.

Sorry about the auto policy rate, that’s rough! Kids are expensive to insure. Statistically they’re the least experienced and have more accidents. Then of course when we’re older they’re higher because statistics indicate we’re not as capable as we once were. 40 to 65 is when you typically get the best rates.
I'm so sorry bout your dad! Praying an opening at a good hospital will be available as soon as possible and that surgery goes well!
Well that definitely worked! I went to visit him last night after the kids were in bed, and as I walked in they were telling him they secured the spot and they were going to ambulance him the 6+ hours very shortly. He's already there! I'm glad I got to visit before he left. I can't pack up the littles and drive them six hours...

Planning on pulling out the beat up okra today. The wind took off most of the leaves yesterday
Did your son take it to his new place?
No. We've already checked. And it's both puffy winter blankets from the master bed. The electric blanket, and the down blanket with a blue pinstripe duvet cover on. It's not a small pile. It is driving me NUTS! I swear I remember putting it in a space bag for the summer. For a while the pile was on my floor in the bedroom.
Then When I pulled off the electric blanket off DS bed I put his in a regular zip closed linen bag (which he has at his apartment) and put my stuff in a space bag. I still have another whole side of the basement to go.
Lucky thrift store.

Windmill blew new bearing already. I need a higher stress/rpm one. Maybe an auto part store.

Going out now to put the winter sides on the coop. BLEH.
Well, cleaned, umm, re - piled / organized? nope.... shuffled piles from one side to the other in my pantry today AND found my notebook / recipebook finally yay!

A bunch of you asked for my Salsa Bread Recipe. Remember now, I cheat, I use a bread machine where you just throw the ingredients in and press the button. It could be figured out at what step to knead yourself bla bla, but the big thing is the ingredients so here they are

This originally was for a Sunbeam bread machine on the 2 lb? (big) setting.

Salsa Bread:
1 Cup Salsa (home made is absolute best)
1/2 Cup Water
1 Tbsp oil - I use macadamia nut it adds a bit of a buttery flavor
Big dash of hot sauce, (yah you can texas pete it if you wish or again, your own is best)
3 cups of bread flour
1 Tbsp Sugar
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp ground red pepper (or what I do, I powder my home grown peppers and pick a 'dust' of choice, depending on how flaming ass hot I want this bread. YOUR choice !
2 Tsp yeast.
1/4 - 1/2 tsp garlic powder (or fresh if it's pureed) up to you to add this or not

Use the White Cycle on the machine.
without pulling it out and seeing what that is, I believe it was the shorter cycle, full grain cycle /vs/ white flour cycle has a longer rising time I believe by about half an hour before it starts the final beat down and cooking. it gives it a bit more time to rise.

If you bread machine it, Id assume most are pretty much the same, I mean, bread IS bread.

If you are cooking it like a real person, then I don't need to tell you how to knead and make bread, you know what works for where you live etc etc.

Enjoy !!

I have a signature sammich where I pull this out hot, put a big whallop of butter on it, then a big fat slice of pepper jack cheese, and pulled pork, or even pulled beef (can be prime)... if you really want to go all out, make the sauces and do it russian style with russian dressing, makes a hell of a reuben too but with salsa instead of rye bread. For the sammich tho, when you are cooking down the beef,I used a beef brisket last time actually. I smoked the brisket for about 6 or 7 hours so it was starting to render down, had some nice crunching on the thin end but the fat end was NOT done at all. cut that in half throw it in a crock pot, now throw in onion, peppers, garlic, etc etc chopped fairly coarse, or just sliced works too, and a few pounds of mushrooms, sliced in half. I want to say cabbage too if I remember that time correctly. Put on simmer and let this simmer down over night. Come in the next morning, skim off the grease that comes to the top, and use a pair of forks pull the meat apart. mix it all up and at this point you can turn the crocker up to low heat if you need to, to get things finished but it pretty much should already be. The smoke flavor has now had the night to infuse everything so you should have a pot full of heaven. For the smoke, Id recommend a Hickory / Mesquite mix. Hit it hard once up front with the mesquite, then go real easy and maybe 'fluff' it once an hour with a handfull of chips or a small lump of two of wood on the fire if you are not already using a piece of hickory to smoke it on .. which is the proper way but....

Slice your freshly made salsa bread, put a smear of butter on it if you want. A nice thick slice of pepper jack cheese. At this point Id put in microwave for about 30 seconds to melt that cheese down into the bread, if the bread was not hot when you began... THEN take the meat out of the pot, along with whatever you want, onion, pepper slice, mushroom piece, some garlic juice, and slather all over it. If you want to juice it from the pot that is entirely acceptable :D Or you can make a russian dressing (i dont have that recipe in this book ill havae to go thru old e mail to find it where I mailed it to myself from work.... yah... it was one of those come up with on the fly recipes that went really well so I sent it home to not forget it...) anyways you can also blop russian dressing all over it and eat it that way too. Probably soggy sojust get knife and fork and cut / eat it off the plate.

Finally, go into the bathroom look at the scale and curse me for making you wreck ANY sort of diet you had going on !!

Windmill blew new bearing already. I need a higher stress/rpm one. Maybe an auto part store.
Or you have the wrong bearing in there.
what's it's loading force? you need one that is omni directional or axially loaded not radial. the load is pushing thru its core when the wind blows, not holding weight and pushing towards its sides.

that makes a HUGE different, the wrong bearing will eat itself in very short order.


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