What did you do in the garden today?

awesome find especially if it's working,but there's a reason it's in the trash. That sob will drag you across the lawn kicking and screaming trying to turn it off it will @!!


edit did you say raised beds? oh lordy no that thing will tear the walls down if it gets hooked across it, be VERY careful !!
Lol! They are tiny! Not going to drag me Anywhere. And raised bed is not quite correct, terraced beds would be more correct. And it will fit nicely down my walkways.
I’ve considered prickly pear up near the house, I need to double check for a spineless variety though; I don’t remember whether there is such a thing.
There is a spineless variety (Burbank), but it still has glochids.
My parents used to live in Cape Coral before they passed. With the hurricane and all the flooding, all that saltwater innundating, it's going to be a hellscape trying to grow anything for the next few years until they get all that salt out of the soil again Im betting and anything that was planted, is pretty dead Id imagine too.

Salt is not too hard to wash out. They got a ton of rain too after the surge. It sounds like the wind did more damage overall, a lot of people used tractors and ratchet straps to upright trees that fell over. The trees that didn't just snap, of course.
I've been very confused about my asparagus beans, growing like crazy but actual beans are slowing down. Finally dawned on me the flowers I'm seeing are not bean flowers! They are definitely some sort of morning glory. Of course they are the same color too - there's one bean flower in the photo.

Traced it all back to the ground and sure enough one of the stems looks different, the dark one in the middle. So I spent the morning ripping it and all its seed pods out. The trellis looks barren now. Really wonder how it got in there, I don't see any growing wild around me.
I'm just waiting on my birds to finish molting so I can clean out the coop for the season & change the nest material. Seems I have 2 molting so bad they're sleeping in the nests. 🙄 Fine, they can stay there for a little while, poor, miserable nekkid things! But hurry up!

Then I can turn & retire the current compost bin & start another.

I realllly need to pick a holiday jam & get on it. Time is running out. I'd like to skip making it this year. :celebrate But it's good gifts for friends/relatives/neighbors, I wouldn't know what to do.
They need consistent water. My tree is about six feet tall and the branches are dripping with fruit. They’re yellow so it shouldn’t be long, then I’ll be juicing and freezing for a while. I have to make lemonade by the pitcher, the little dude loves it! I water every two weeks and feed with stakes per the instructions. Water is a slow trickle so it goes deep. I water for 24 hours at this point, enough for the water to soak all the way around out to the tree line. Keep in mind I’m in the desert and it’s very dry here, so I keep my trees on this schedule year round.
Same... Lemonade is my go-to drink every day behind coffee. And not that Countrytime crap but REAL Lemonade. Throw in some fresh fruit and... cKzxbcOTpApGQMzX1T.gif

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