What did you do in the garden today?

You are welcome. If you come up with a good solution to your situation, please post your results and add me, @gtaus to the post so I get notified. This thread gets so many posts that it is impossible to keep up with everything. Thanks.

I will. the only problem is I don't know when I will be able to move to my new place.
@gtaus that is a larger lake than I was envisioning! LOL.

Just enough rain here yesterday and last night to water everything properly, keep me from mowing today (all the gas cans are empty anyway), and continue to rot the hay of the guy who cut it on Monday.

I found some canned goods that missed rotation checks, so they need added to the compost pile. I get so annoyed when I do that.

The garbage disposal needs tending to. It hums, but doesn't engage. No idea what's gumming it up. It didn't pop the gfi,So I'll take care of that later with either a wrench or a dowel if I can't find the port for the wrench. Always something.

One of the 6 year old hens died yesterday. Besides the rooster, her brother, and her 7 year old mom, she was my oldest. So now she's down resting in the lower pasture hedge. I'm sure the coyotes will benefit, or fox/bobcat/raccoon/neighbor's free roaming dog. I'm kind of hoping the dog takes it home, maybe it will freak the neighbor's out enough to keep him home, thinking he's raiding someone's hen house. Nothing else has worked, so probably not.

Another hot, damp, humid day on the prairie. I have plans to get to the sewing room for a while today, we'll see. I need to get something amazing going for supper as last night's new recipe was terrible!
Good morning gardeners. I do suspect we got a little shower overnight however it's sunny and dry now. I did get the front yard mowed yesterday. Today I'll be working on weed whacking the garden path and all the remaining weed whacking. The weeds are pretty deep from all the rain we've got in all the "I've lost track of how many days" rain we got. I did manage to spray the Neem oil on all the affected plants. Pretty much everything that is susceptible to powdery mildew had some traces of it. I even sprayed the lilies of the valley. At least the summer squash enjoyed all the rain because the plants have more than doubled in size and look like they are in production mode now. One of my poblano plants is developing buds and one of my jalapeno plants is loaded with flowers and one teensy tiny pepper. Surprisingly one of my lima bean plants is forming buds. Maybe I'll get some beans from them after all. We are forecasted to have two days of near 90F temps then cooling down to upper 70's or low 80's. Of course there's the thunderstorm threat that goes with that. After I get caught up on the yard work I can contemplate painting my kitchen cabinets finally. What you found on that hornworm @Acre4Me is a good thing. Those are the larvae of the parasitic wasps that kill those beasty bugs. Leave them alone and they'll kill that hornworm. I harvested some more greens, beans and carrots from the garden today. The carrots are almost cleared out, just a few more to pick. It doesn't show in the picture but there are 7 nice sized carrots in that pile. I believe they are Danvers half long. I have a pack of Nantes that I'll be planting soon. Have a great day all.

garden haul July15.jpg

BES in July.jpg
Those are the larvae of the parasitic wasps that kill those beasty bugs. Leave them alone and they'll kill that hornworm.

Yes! I put the leaf/worm/eggs back under the shade in the potato plot - the hornworm wasn't moving much, and it certainly wasn't eating. So, It can fulfill its new destiny as a nursery.
Disposal fixed, no idea what it ate.

Robot vacuum is on patrol.

Garden needs fed big time!

So far I am just NOT impressed with the tomato vines or fruit I'm seeing. Time will tell.

I think a soil recharge in late fall and over winter is going to be a must. The hard winter may have over compacted the soil and killed off the good cowboys in the soil.

The chicken garden goes NUTS every years in the hardwood pellet powder mixed with alpaca poo every year. I think that what I'll amend with in the garden before winter. It's not as if I'm lacking in coop scrapings.
I’m going to have nightmares about spiders for a week now! Luckily we haven’t seen many recluses or black widows or brown widow spiders which are just as dangerous if not more so. We seem to be inundated with snakes this year though.

We’ve gotten another 3/4 of an inch of rain here. The garden is dying from to much water. The beans and the summer squash have literally rotted from the amount of rain we’ve gotten. The peppers and tomatoes are dropping leaves. The local farmers are praying for the rain to stop because it’s killing their crops. Tomatoes and melons are splitting and nearly everything else is rotting and they can’t even try salvage anything because they can’t ship wet produce. The local river has been running and double the normal height since June. Apparently it’s breaking records. The flies are horrible too it’s so wet that they are breeding in the compost and the chicken run because I can’t get it dry out any puddles anywhere manure or spilled feed are crawling with maggots.
@gtaus that is a larger lake than I was envisioning! LOL.

Just enough rain here yesterday and last night to water everything properly, keep me from mowing today (all the gas cans are empty anyway), and continue to rot the hay of the guy who cut it on Monday.

I found some canned goods that missed rotation checks, so they need added to the compost pile. I get so annoyed when I do that.

The garbage disposal needs tending to. It hums, but doesn't engage. No idea what's gumming it up. It didn't pop the gfi,So I'll take care of that later with either a wrench or a dowel if I can't find the port for the wrench. Always something.

One of the 6 year old hens died yesterday. Besides the rooster, her brother, and her 7 year old mom, she was my oldest. So now she's down resting in the lower pasture hedge. I'm sure the coyotes will benefit, or fox/bobcat/raccoon/neighbor's free roaming dog. I'm kind of hoping the dog takes it home, maybe it will freak the neighbor's out enough to keep him home, thinking he's raiding someone's hen house. Nothing else has worked, so probably not.

Another hot, damp, humid day on the prairie. I have plans to get to the sewing room for a while today, we'll see. I need to get something amazing going for supper as last night's new recipe was terrible!
Reminds me of an old story- man’s dog brings home a dead white rabbit- looks like the neighbors bunny. So, they wash it off and dry it’s fur and go put it back in the neighbor’s bunny cage while they were out. The next day, the neighbors are telling them a puzzle- the bunny died and they buried it- later that day, it was back in it’s cage- strange.

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