What did you do in the garden today?

We've been taking a lot of precautions. We only see people we trust a lot masked and outdoors when local case counts are lower and only once every two weeks and only a few at a time (we agreed that 4 households was too many even if they're 1 person households). That means the last time we saw people was October. (That was also outdoors, masked, distanced, only 3 people came over.) We've had hand sanitizer at every doorway and labeled chairs for months now so there's no cross contamination.

But G has to work. We have no choice - every day he's out dealing with the public. We've not had a lockdown or quarantine or anything even though a lockdown "happened". Every day he's gone into work and dealt with people who refuse to mask up. He changes clothes when he gets home every day (our laundry's been crazy) and we take care but it's not good. If you're not wealthy enough to stay home you don't get to and that's that.

There's a lot of pressure from family too, months ago two of G's family wanted to see him for his birthday and even though we set our rules plainly (masks and 6ft and outdoors only) they kept trying to unmask around us. We agreed we weren't seeing them again until it's all over. We tightened who we were willing to see to an even more stringent group after that - we can't trust family and friends who behave so flippantly. (In-laws, amirite? My family wants nothing to do with me right now. I haven't seen them in months! And they're local!)

Our governor is useless. He basically keeps saying "PLeeeeeeEEeeaAase don't be terrible people? You won't face and consequences if you do and literally nothing is stopping you and stores aren't allowed to enforce it and you can kinda do whatever if you want to.... But we're telling you not to!" and not doing anything substantial.
:hugs Your partner G is one of the main reasons I stay home. I mean really, who would want to have to go out in that to keep a roof and food for their family?! It is a false choice and just short of terrifying. It sounds like a war zone with out PPE and I am SO sorry. I hear you with the "if you are not rich" part, I see what my kids are going through and it really requires US ALL to not be jerks. I did have higher hopes for Kasich... I'm sorry to hear he is so spineless :duc .

My DIL is a NP and says that she is having the same boundary battles with her family. They can not understand why she keeps such a tight circle and does not want to get together with them. I'm grateful she is tuff and keeping our grandkids safe, like a bear mama.

Well, I hear congress squeaked something out. Lets hope it makes it to the right people and let's hope for better brighter days ahead.
Grandson is in the hospital with irregular heartbeat - covid . We think he has had covid all of November . His wife's family infected us all . Chain reaction . So I guess we will get tested again .
Oh no! I sure hope your Grandson is ok! Best wishes you all are negative :fl
Hey all.

@jerryse sorry to hear about your grandson. I hope he is ok. I'm curious how long it's been since you had it. The CDC says 3 months of immunity after, but it doesn't seem like it's been that long for you.

I was outside staring at the garden today, thinking about what seeds to order. I'm thinking of just doing lettuce, garlic, onions, green beans & herbs. The squash & cuke bugs were so frustrating this year I think I may just skip it all next year.

I picked up my terra cotta bird bath from my sisters house, got it all cleaned out & new dirt in it & got the lettuce planted. I hope it does ok inside. I put a couple chives in the middle too.

I asked the neighbor for his pumpkins for the chickens, he gave us 2 big boxes of moldy gourds that promptly I threw in the compost, lol. Why would I feed my birds mold? :smack People think they eat anything & everything - including old, moldy crap.

Hope ya'll have a great weekend! Seems like we're gonna get some snow tomorrow.
We've been taking a lot of precautions. We only see people we trust a lot masked and outdoors when local case counts are lower and only once every two weeks and only a few at a time (we agreed that 4 households was too many even if they're 1 person households). That means the last time we saw people was October. (That was also outdoors, masked, distanced, only 3 people came over.) We've had hand sanitizer at every doorway and labeled chairs for months now so there's no cross contamination.

But G has to work. We have no choice - every day he's out dealing with the public. We've not had a lockdown or quarantine or anything even though a lockdown "happened". Every day he's gone into work and dealt with people who refuse to mask up. He changes clothes when he gets home every day (our laundry's been crazy) and we take care but it's not good. If you're not wealthy enough to stay home you don't get to and that's that.

There's a lot of pressure from family too, months ago two of G's family wanted to see him for his birthday and even though we set our rules plainly (masks and 6ft and outdoors only) they kept trying to unmask around us. We agreed we weren't seeing them again until it's all over. We tightened who we were willing to see to an even more stringent group after that - we can't trust family and friends who behave so flippantly. (In-laws, amirite? My family wants nothing to do with me right now. I haven't seen them in months! And they're local!)

Our governor is useless. He basically keeps saying "PLeeeeeeEEeeaAase don't be terrible people? You won't face and consequences if you do and literally nothing is stopping you and stores aren't allowed to enforce it and you can kinda do whatever if you want to.... But we're telling you not to!" and not doing anything substantial.
The kids are doing a better job than the adults 🤷🏻‍♀️ We just went all remote again. At least until Christmas break. Imo, until summer break. Poor kiddos. They just want normalcy.
:hugs Your partner G is one of the main reasons I stay home. I mean really, who would want to have to go out in that to keep a roof and food for their family?! It is a false choice and just short of terrifying. It sounds like a war zone with out PPE and I am SO sorry. I hear you with the "if you are not rich" part, I see what my kids are going through and it really requires US ALL to not be jerks. I did have higher hopes for Kasich... I'm sorry to hear he is so spineless :duc .

My DIL is a NP and says that she is having the same boundary battles with her family. They can not understand why she keeps such a tight circle and does not want to get together with them. I'm grateful she is tuff and keeping our grandkids safe, like a bear mama.

Well, I hear congress squeaked something out. Lets hope it makes it to the right people and let's hope for better brighter days ahead.
Its Dewine actually, but I don't think that it really makes much difference. I don't think Kasich would have done a better job tbh.
Good morning gardeners :frow
It’s not even light outside but I went out and watered almost everything already. There are a few more shrubs to do but it can wait until the sun comes up. I’ve been spending my afternoons with the duckies and ignoring everything else. There are weeds to pull and the house needs work but I don’t care. I noticed they’re trying to swim in their water so today I’m setting up a paint tray swimming pool for them and filling up the waterer and putting the jug on top. We named them Bean, Fig and Pip. The artichokes are growing well and all the desert plants are great. I need to plant more grass for the buns and will probably start some for the ducks. They’ve been picking at the hay in their house so I’m going to offer some herbs from the garden and maybe some chopped green leaf lettuce. Not too much else happening really. I’m sure there will be a nap at some point also, I woke up a little after 0100 this morning with a sinus headache and if I sit here much longer I’m going to fall back to sleep! Have a great weekend everyone!

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