What did you do in the garden today?

Morning Gardeners my garden is toast but not a huge fan of kale either load of wood being delivered in an hour oh what fun we will have
Did you get your potatoes dug up?
@Wee Farmer Sarah My husband said, "I'm glad it fell in her yard and not ours!" When I told him how much snow you got. :lau

Today was another "run Mom to her doctor appointment" day. I left the house a little before 10 Am and just got home at 5:30 PM. Tomorrow I have my own appointment to go to. Friday evening I'm going to a paint party at a friend's winery. I went to one in October. It was fun.
You still have kale growing? Wow! How long are you able to grow crops in the winter months?
Yeah the kale, cabbage and Swiss chard are still there, not growing much but as long as we don’t have a sustained freeze in the lower 20’s they can last all winter. It was below freezing for a few days last week but it’s back to the 40’s now.
Even if the tops of the greens freeze badly they usually resprout when the temps come back up a little.
Last year everything held until we had a deep freeze in Feb. My geraniums were still alive in their pots by my kitchen door. I thought they’d last another season then wham no ma’am you’re buying new ones haha!
Seems the older I get, the more I "glisten" - lol. I used to always get cold easily, but now even in the winter I can usually only wear short sleeves. I don't even bother with sweatshirts or other warm tops anymore - after a few minutes of putting one on, I'm racing to find a cool t-shirt. Ah, the joys of aging!

Spent yesterday Christmas decorating. I'm pretty happy with how the house looks. I still have a little more to finish off today. Then work tomorrow - ugh. I still don't feel completely recovered from my sickness yet, but doing way better than I was. I don't really feel up to working the next three days, but have to go anyway. :(
I still have scallions growing in the garden under a half a foot of snow. For some reason they haven't died! Maybe because they got so huge, the are giant mutant onions!

My chickens are pretty mad about the snow. I have one that will venture out & the others stand in the door & scream & bitch at her. She came up & hung out with me while I cleaned the snow off the bird netting, the others just yelled from the door the whole time. :gig
Good morning all. Yesterday was not as productive as I would have liked. I was feeling pretty worn out after half the day at the Senior Center. I did finish addressing the rest of the Christmas cards. Today I'm planning on a quick shopping trip, post office and I really need a professional to take care of my furnace. I'm also hoping to move a little more snow before the deep freeze (down to 9F) arrives on Saturday. My hen is looking a little perkier in her comb, but she dropped more feathers last night. We're supposed to get a warm up next week and I'm hoping she is well enough to go back to the coop by then. We might get another inch or two of snow tomorrow afternoon. That should brighten up what's on the ground now. And @WthrLady these past few years I've noticed that the glisten turns into outright shiny. LOL! Have a great day everyone.
Nice and sunny-blue skies this morning!! Love it when it’s like this!! Up to 45F today. Sounds like a good day for some outdoor maintenance. Barn cat has a vet appointment for check up and vaccines, and I have another place to be for a few hours, so not sure the extent of the outdoor work I can accomplish, but at least I should be here for the warmest part of the day.

chickens are doing pretty well. We had to cull another Legbar. It has been attacked by the flock. On closer inspection, it looked like it had a tumor on it’s neck that was the focus of the attack. This is the second Legbar from the same hatch that had tumors. We have a third Legbar (same hatch) that appears fine. The other breeds (same hatch and source) seem totally fine. The other birds of various ages (different source) all are totally fine. I guess it is a genetic problem in that line of Legbars.

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