What did you do in the garden today?

Turmeric bloom

Turmeric is pretty!!

Thank you Sarah, I googled it & decided to do it with white rice because I wasn't sure how my wild rice would do. It came out super yummy, but next time I'll follow what you did & add beans too! I much prefer the wild rice over white.

I put my sick girl back in with the others after 5 days apart for antibiotics - man chickens are mean! 1 mounted her while the other (lowest ranking!) pulled out a mouthful of feathers! We may have a new pecking order for the first time. & She wanted back in with them so bad, little did she know!

The first photo above shows the headboard that we bought at a thrift store for $10.00, which we are going to transform into a garden gate. The other photos are four pumpkin goblets that I found for .99 cents each (I LOVE thrift stores!). I'm quite a pumpkin fanatic, so I couldn't resist buying them for only $4.00. Once we make the headboard into a gate and get it mounted out in the garden, I'll try to post some pics.
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Mentioned all the dirt work previously, which also required a lot of seeding. The first areas seeded hadn’t sprouted AT ALL even by Day 7! So, was concerned that I got a problem batch or hadn’t kept it moist, etc. seed was Scott’s seed (colored blue -super helpful when doing a project over the course of many days so could see where had seeded vs not yet). Yesterday afternoon looked again and some beautiful little blades of grass emerging! Whew!

Biggest area of concern is the dirt berm - the back length is bare dirt and newly seeded. Hoping for a good germination rate. Did buy grass seed fertilizer to boost growth for newly seeded areas. Hoping that helps too!
Good morning all. Nothing going on in the garden today. The weather forecast is for rain and falling temps all day. I did get a lot of other stuff taken care of. Made the trek to TSC to pick up pine shavings and scratch. Removed and stored my two smaller AC units. And found a new home for two of my hens that I had to separate from the flock. The one little hen the rooster wanted to kill and the other with bare skin on her wings. Rooster damage. On my way home from TSC I stopped at the discount store and picked up some daffodil bulbs and another scarecrow. I have the boy, the girl and now this one is actually a crow. Too funny. I wanted to welcome Dan back to the forum, it's been awhile. I'm glad your salsa and rice turned out well @Sueby. Have you tried brown Jasmine rice ? I get mine from Trader Joes and it is a nice rice. I don't eat white rice anymore. I do make a pilaf from time to time with the brown rice and wild rice. Tasty and full of fiber. Can't wait to see that head board gate when it's finished @chickmom3941. Perhaps it's because it's so late in the season that your grass seed is sluggish @Acre4Me. Of course, remember pretty much everything has been a bit sluggish this year anyway. Good luck and hope it grows strong soon. I'm off to the Senior Center soon for my exercise class, lunch and to work on my social skills. It's good to get away from the chickens and speak in complete sentences. LOL! Have a great day everyone.

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