What did you do in the garden today?

Today I collected cherry tomatoes as well as spent Hibiscus and Rose petals. I’m going to steep the flowers, hand juice some lemons, and create a lovely lemonade to try and beat this awful summer heat!

I had potatoes in a container looking very poorly. I decided to dump it and salvage what I could. Apparently I had planted white potatoes and red ones in the same container. The white ones were rotting, and the red ones were still producing! Bummer. I harvested all the red ones, buried the rest in the compost, and we had steak, potatoes with parsley butter, mushrooms, and broccoli for dinner. Only bought the steak and mushrooms! And the steaks were on sale - I froze some more. Half price strip steaks!
Good fro you, trumpeting angel!

I grew potatoes one year in a mound in a bed. I got a reasonable size harvest. And they self-seeded for another 2 or 3 years. Eventually they gave out and I converted that bed to flowers.

But I was thinking of growing potatoes in a container on a raised bed this Winter. ...or whenever I can get seed potatoes as the ones in my veggie crisper won't seem to get any eyes.
or whenever I can get seed potatoes as the ones in my veggie crisper won't seem to get any eyes.

I still can't get over you starting a garden now. Where I live, we can only plant at one time of year, and it's a pretty short growing season, at that!

Grumpy department: I wanted to order some of the blackberry bushes on sale from Park Seed - they sent me an email. They were rated down to Zone 5, but the description said, "Hardy to -20." We are in Zone 5, but we definitely can get lower than -20! Didn't order them. It's best to buy locally, anyhow. I do know that while our part of Vermont is theoretically in Zone 5, it depends on the elevation, and which direction you face, and whether you have any windbreak/protection from the north.
Good morning gardeners. I was super busy yesterday with canning my peach preserves and making butter I totally forgot to put out the Critter Ridder. My little nibbler returned. Judging by the size of the teeth marks he left in my butternut squash babies I believe it's my little chipmunk buddy. The forecast is for heavy rain today so I don't see the point of using the CR today. I picked some more cucumbers and cherry tomatoes this morning. A few more of the Roma tomatoes are turning orange, yay. I'm behind on my weeding in the garden. The beds aren't too bad, but the walkway between them are in desperate need of some weed whacking. All that mulch I put down and I'm still getting weeds and grass. I sort of cheated with my few dahlias. I bought a 6-pack of already in bloom plants. I think they are pretty resilient, as I planted them during the heat wave and they are now looking quite healthy. I will definitely be digging them up before the frost hits. I'll be adding my daffodil bulbs as well to that small garden, finally. The house that's been under construction since Spring is finally completed. I think there's still some work being done because they're running a generator nearly all day. Still much quieter than before. But the house is on the market now. I just hope a quiet family buys it. The noise the past nearly 6 months has been deafening and I really would like to go back to the quiet little community I bought into. Sorry about the whining. Have a great day everyone.

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