What did you do in the garden today?

Your justa little ray of Sunshine Dan. :hit :D
WOW that's a lot of taters! They are hit or miss her and you, by tradition, plant them here on good Friday. I don't bother with potatoes anymore. I couldn't get them to store well. And for all the work we put in them, never had a great yield. It's kind of how I feel about planting peas. LOL.
Yeah. Potatoes usually do pretty well for me. Here you’re supposed to plant on Valentine’s, field peas are supposed to go in on Good Friday. I don’t like growing snow or sugar peas. Dad doesn’t like field peas. :confused: The field peas I have send te peas up over the leaves and turn purple and are so easy to pick but the ones dad likes to grow you gotta hunt those suckers down. Ugh.
9 inches of snow and ridiculous wind. 3 and 4 foot drifts all over the ranch. 4 hours on the tractor. Ugh. The coop needed hand dug out.

Winter started 6 weeks early and is now 2.5 weeks late hanging on. I am going insane.

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Tonight we're flirty with record lows. I'll spend a good part of the morning drift busting the road. I hope to get lettuce started and some seeds in the potting room.

Looks absolutely beautiful! All that land!!!! :love I'm over here... small island, small property, sweating. Winter never really came at all and seems we are doomed to skip any kind of spring... straight to a scorching summer:hit. Normally, this time of year we are lush and green on this dry side but today is nothing but golden brown. Praying we don't have a bad rash of fires. I guess it is all a trade off. Looking forward to your shares in the height of your growing season. :ya
PS. Send ice cubes!!
Big oof on all the bad weather. We've had some warm and some cold, it's cold and sunny right now, it'll be very chilly tonight but it LOOKS lovely out...

I got some of my onions in dirt, a little late but I think it'll be OK. I still need to do the other alliums (leeks, green onions, maybe chives) and the cauliflower. I'm still cleaning the area and finishing setup. Things are moving slow and with some difficulty. Other things in life have been just overwhelming. G is having some sort of mysterious internal cramping problem that doctors keep taking imaging for in different ways, shrugging, then sending him home with painkillers 'til the next time. :T And D is about to hit midterms this week just as planting kicks in... So most of our focus has gone towards managing those and the house and basic needs of animals and people.
Ok. You guys are guilting the heck out of me with all of your garden motivation. And that is exactly what I need and why I check into this thread. So, mahalo gang!!!
This is what I had to show for myself on Saturday. My Guava stick trellis was rotting out so i threw it away a while ago and never replaced. Some of my tomatoes were wandering on the ground. The chickens would sneak in an steal a few, cute and naughty. The plants that were staked got blasted by freak 60mph winds we had a week or so ago. So the new plan is to say aloha to the tomatoes and bok choy, and extend the chickens run and banish them to it. For real this time... :D
My unsightly Franken barrier was keeping the chickens at wires length but a bit harder to thin my rows.
This broccoli is from 2 Octobers ago. The monsters kept pecking at it and it suffered. So it is just getting going. Hardly any rain here but hoping... praying for more cool-ish weather and we may get to eat some broccoli!!!.
We moved coop out from property line and back just a tad. I will have to build a cage around my Papaya's and Avo tree. We will take out old fence and relocate (white string line)
Threw away my potting table. I am not propagating like i used to and it was a luxury my small spot could not afford. (see Pomegranate has no leaves left on after big winds lol.) Moved 2 planter boxes to its old local. I will stick to switch planting tomatoes and salad mixes in planting beds till I fabricate nets to keep out the Pickleworm moth etc. They seem to hang out in the neighbors Mango tree. Then I will be able to plant zucchini and cucumbers. PS. soil inside my beds is amazing!!! Even hubby noticed. I will now put my compost tumblers in chickens run, that way monsters don't have to visit garden area to scratch out bugs and play in compost... they truly can't be trusted. Plan to add shade cloth over chicken run maybe garden eventually to add shade and keep out birds and wild chickens. Seems like I am feeding the feathered Nhood. Been selling eggs and making their feed plus some extra $$. Yippee!!!
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Big oof on all the bad weather. We've had some warm and some cold, it's cold and sunny right now, it'll be very chilly tonight but it LOOKS lovely out...

I got some of my onions in dirt, a little late but I think it'll be OK. I still need to do the other alliums (leeks, green onions, maybe chives) and the cauliflower. I'm still cleaning the area and finishing setup. Things are moving slow and with some difficulty. Other things in life have been just overwhelming. G is having some sort of mysterious internal cramping problem that doctors keep taking imaging for in different ways, shrugging, then sending him home with painkillers 'til the next time. :T And D is about to hit midterms this week just as planting kicks in... So most of our focus has gone towards managing those and the house and basic needs of animals and people.
I sure hope they get G figured out. Hang in there!
This too shall pass.

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