What did you do in the garden today?

My son and I picked about a pint of blackberries yesterday, and a handful of wild blueberries. The deer have been eating the blueberries, so we don't get much from the bushes.

I had to give up on the last of my poor potato plants. They did not make it. All the rain, then 95 plus weather, the rain again just killed them. I got a handful of small red potatoes and a handful of gold potatoes
I'm jealous. The wild black berries around here aren't ready yet. Checked them today, found a fawn that didn't make it also. Planted the rest of my pumpkins today after prepping the soil. It was in a fresh patch I tilled up, had a lot more rocks than I would have liked so I had to supplement heavy with compost to thin the soil.
I gave up on my potatoes too, they rotted in the ground from all the rain.
Hi all !
Just got back from a extended road trip east coast to west and back... and backyard and gardens planted before leaving are practically a JUNGLE!
So what to do since we are officially in a heat wave now?
Today I picked some raspberries, and then shook down remaining cherries and mulberries for my chooks.
I cut up some strawberries, a cantaloupe and yellow squash. I ate leftover corn on the cobb for breakfast and fruit for lunch.
Just to make it through the hottest part of the day, I tackled the overaged spuds in my kitchen. The good part is they were salvageable and they are cooking now in the pot and water the corn was in earlier.
In a little while, I'm going back out to put these remains into good use:

The other (non chicken edible) scraps are going to a bin I hope to soon have BSFL to compost.
Oh yes my chooks sooooo love the fruit and veggie and corn trimmings afer being cooped up so long!
That's so sad about the fawn, Tiller! We startled one when we were on a site visit for a property I'm trying to buy for work. Poor thing--I hope it settled back down where its mama could find it.

It is so so hot and humid here--gack! And to make matters worse, ants mucked up the contactor on my AC, so I had to have an emergency AC guy visit. Apparently they're drawn to the ozone. Yes, welcome to Casa Deepbluesea, where ants come to get high... :barnie
I might pull my bean plants today. I'm not getting more than a handful every other day. Maybe because of the rabbits, but I have plenty of time to grow a new set of bushes if I start them this month. One of my sons might be part rabbit. He likes the green and wax beans raw, and eats them as soon as I bring them in if I don't stash them in the fridge.

I've never seen a kid have such an affinity for raw vegetables and fruits in my life! Getting him to eat meat is a bit more difficult. I've heard of people who just don't like meat, so I guess he could be one of those.
I might pull my bean plants today. I'm not getting more than a handful every other day. Maybe because of the rabbits, but I have plenty of time to grow a new set of bushes if I start them this month. One of my sons might be part rabbit. He likes the green and wax beans raw, and eats them as soon as I bring them in if I don't stash them in the fridge.

I've never seen a kid have such an affinity for raw vegetables and fruits in my life! Getting him to eat meat is a bit more difficult. I've heard of people who just don't like meat, so I guess he could be one of those.
I am starting to lose track of how many times i have planted beans, i might have to just go buy some. Pea plants all got eaten and ditto a lot of my flowers. Not pleased.

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