What did you do in the garden today?

My garden is growing well. Garlic scapes are setting, potatoes, peas and tomatoes are blooming. Won't be long before I have some sugar snaps! Time to think about planting more lettuce and other greens. Squash setting some big leaves but not yet running. No blooms on cucurbits except for the ones I started in big pots. Pole beans climbing, and I think I'm seeing the first flower buds. A few ripe strawberries.
Dan, those first 2 Zucchini look like a variation on Zephyr.


I grew these one year shortly after they had been released. They were bitter. Hopefully they have bred the bitterness out of them. After the fact, they said the variety was released before it had been thoroughly tested.
They do look a lot like that. Interesting.
Wow, dan--there are a ton of them! Yum!

Picked (and ate immediately :) ) the first two cukes. Have atomic grape, Lauren's littles and Lemon boy coming in almost daily--I could eat BLT(EAC)s for every meal, I swear. The sugar baby watermelons have three melons going--one seems almost ready. I've got it on straw. Small zukes starting, but nowhere near ready. I made Thai beef salad using my own lemongrass, basil, lime leaves, ginger, onions and habaneros for the herbs and kale, chard, tomatoes, cuke and the last of the red romaine for the salad. Which feels deeply satisfying.

We had a big old summer storm last night. The sky turned greenish, which in the motherland (MN) we used to call a tornado sky. No twister thankfully, but lots and lots of thunder and lightning. The chickens put themselves to bed by 6:45, which NEVER happens.
6 24 18 storm by ocean.jpg
Wow, dan--there are a ton of them! Yum!

Picked (and ate immediately :) ) the first two cukes. Have atomic grape, Lauren's littles and Lemon boy coming in almost daily--I could eat BLT(EAC)s for every meal, I swear. The sugar baby watermelons have three melons going--one seems almost ready. I've got it on straw. Small zukes starting, but nowhere near ready. I made Thai beef salad using my own lemongrass, basil, lime leaves, ginger, onions and habaneros for the herbs and kale, chard, tomatoes, cuke and the last of the red romaine for the salad. Which feels deeply satisfying.

We had a big old summer storm last night. The sky turned greenish, which in the motherland (MN) we used to call a tornado sky. No twister thankfully, but lots and lots of thunder and lightning. The chickens put themselves to bed by 6:45, which NEVER happens. View attachment 1443423
We got one of those too. Sky went from sun to straight black and wind picked up like crazy. We had less then 5 minutes to get generator away and tools and get clothes off line. Just made it before it just dumped. Glad I made wooden cat walks for my goats. It the only dry area outside shelter. Glad no twister for you guys
It's rained here for 3 days now. My first cukes are ready today. Going to be a busy picking day for me, but I'm looking forward to having cucumber and tomato salad later.

Had to cage a broody today. My girls sure are stubborn! They don't take hints like being forced out of the nestbox or ice packs. I've heard that works for some folks, but maybe they don't have hatchery BOs.

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