What did you do in the garden today?

Hello garden friends. I lost her yesterday. She was gone when I got home from work. I checked her vent, all fine. No idea why. I'm sad. RIP sweet Ruby the black birchen marans. She was shaping up to be a lap chicken before she got sick.

That said, since I only had her for about two months, it isn't quite as painful as when I lost Elena, my first. She was three and I was a mess.

I am so sorry you lost her. :hugs

It's been a busy morning here.
I found that my bean killing culprit is cutworms. :(
Gave up on beans there. I am trying okra instead. Not a huge loss if it does poorly. I got 2 pots for 4 bucks and each one had multiple plants. I carefully separated them but think I broke one tap root.
I dug up all the 150 bulbs that were temporarily in a raised veggie box so I could finally get the strawberries in there. Now what to do with all the dang bulbs....
The daffodils were a different kind than I ordered. I don't think I like these. The flowers are solid yellow and about the size of a dime.
I got watermelon plants in the ground and still need to get the butternut squash in.

I did take the time to stop and smell the Abe Lincoln rose.

Lots of bind weed to pull of course. :rolleyes:
Ugh our garden is so wet, it won't stop raining! Today I trenched out in between one of the rows to draw more water away from plants (they were in standing water even though they are mounded), and put down wood chips to try and dry up some of the water. Our yard is just garbage and the garden is a muck pit. I sprayed for fungus just in case, took off the bottom leaves, and made sure all of the plants are off the ground. They look happy, we just need sunshine and dry weather. I'll fertilize this weekend.
Hello garden friends. I lost her yesterday. She was gone when I got home from work. I checked her vent, all fine. No idea why. I'm sad. RIP sweet Ruby the black birchen marans. She was shaping up to be a lap chicken before she got sick.

That said, since I only had her for about two months, it isn't quite as painful as when I lost Elena, my first. She was three and I was a mess.

So sorry for your loss.
The efforts against the groundhog haven't been super successful. :(

At this point, most of the sweet peppers and cauliflower are a lost cause. We have a few plants left, but that's out of dozens. And the combination of hot weather and groundhog damage on the peas has led to us getting no peas so far. I will have to find something to replace the badly damaged plants with. No point in having empty garden space. We keep blocking off the gaps under the fence with heavy logs and stones but it hasn't stopped the hog so far. The hot peppers and beans are recovering and so far it hasn't touched the herbs, tomatoes, lettuces, spinach, celery, leeks, etc.
D helped me plant the potatoes a while back and made an awful mistake. I told him to till down up to a foot and plant the potatoes under a few inches of dirt. He planted them under a foot of dirt and not a one that he planted has come back. Some of the ones I planted rotted in the ground as well. I wonder if it's too late to stick more potatoes in the ground from somewhere else....
Weeding is eternal, but it's been dry as a bone. Mulching deeply is helping but I am running out of mulch and some of it has to go to certain plants like the radishes more than others.
We're starting to pick strawberries, which is going well. We need to thin our plants there, though. And we need to start tying up the tomatoes. They're a little leggy.

My sister with RA got herself a third dog, and got very upset when I expressed several concerns about it - mostly that she and her husband couldn't afford it and already didn't have the time their other two dogs needed. While she aggressively informed me (likely accurately) that her financial situation was much improved and she could definitely afford the dog she didn't address the fact that the ones she has already don't get enough training and exercise. Now she's looking at taking the third dog back to the shelter... Because she doesn't have the time/ability to train it to stop picking on her other two dogs or the money to hire a dog trainer to do it for her. 9_9; Some folks, amirite?
Picked my first blackberry from the thornless vine someone here recommended. Not sure if the name of vine but they are doing well.
Been awhile since being here. Wasn’t getting notifications. :idunno
Hello garden friends. I lost her yesterday. She was gone when I got home from work. I checked her vent, all fine. No idea why. I'm sad. RIP sweet Ruby the black birchen marans. She was shaping up to be a lap chicken before she got sick.

That said, since I only had her for about two months, it isn't quite as painful as when I lost Elena, my first. She was three and I was a mess.
So sorry you lost her :hugs
I’m sure it’s even harder when they’re young. Before any of us got chickens do you have ever imagined tears over a chicken.
By chance has it been wet and or cool there?
Have you been watering a lot, if so what's your water like?
Well they were watered much more than I would have wanted. We’ve had anywhere from 12 to 15 inches of rain in the past few weeks. Finally dry for a few days now. When I do water them it is either from my water barrel or my tap water from inside which is well water. Everything I research makes it look like it is a phosphorus deficiency. And it kind of makes sense because I just opened this new area to expand my garden . I added blood meal With my Manoe were yesterday so hopefully that will straighten all that up. Only two tomatoes were showing signs of the purple leaves so I’m hoping I caught all the rest of them before they start looking funny
Oh and as far as how cool it has been there. Once I planted them we hit in the 90s for a few weeks straight. Once the rain ended it’s cool down to the 80s around here. I don’t like to plant my Tomatoes till past Mother’s Day. That way it doesn’t get too cold to cost them damage.

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