What did you do in the garden today?

Wow, seems like everyones gardens are going great!
Walked through our garden this evening. There are several more tomatoes, three watermelons now. The biggest is larger than a softball already. Still no cantaloupe but lots of flowers. There's a zucchini about 4 inches long too. Will be prepping the soil for corn over the weekend and fertilizing again too. Can't wait for some fresh tomatoes!
Well I looked into my sunflower problem. I see what you mean by the dark green lines they looked even worse today and lots of the sunflowers now have Them. When I pulled out one of I did an autopsy on the stem and it seemed like the damage was near the outer walls of the stands and didn’t look like the normal park she would see a borer create. When I got down on my knees and looked under all the leaves there was a swarm of little flies that were so small I hadn’t noticed them before. Maybe that’s those carrot flies I was reading about. And then I saw something that looks like a small brown rock and realized that it was actually some sort of bug and when I went to pull him off man he had a hold on that leaf . So I think maybe what was on the stem was maybe some kind of mold or disease plus the bug problem. I could understand a mildew or mold problem because within the last week we’ve had more than 7 inches of rain and then another big storm came through last night
I hadn’t recently fertilized that area so I know it wasn’t that. I believe it is a list of things. So tomorrow morning when I get home I guess I will pull them all. All of them even though some of them aren’t bad are showing signs of damage. I’m guessing there’s no point in replanting because they will probably come right back. Should I Re-plant or maybe just plant something else in their place
I wish I knew someone who had rabbits!
LG, I do the same thing! I start out great with labeling rows and six packs, but by the time I pot them up, I slack off, which equals mystery peppers and tomatoes. So it goes...
I have rabbits, and just love the way rabbit poo can go right into the garden without aging. I used it seeding part of a pasture and the stuff is growing great!
I hadn’t recently fertilized that area so I know it wasn’t that. I believe it is a list of things. So tomorrow morning when I get home I guess I will pull them all. All of them even though some of them aren’t bad are showing signs of damage. I’m guessing there’s no point in replanting because they will probably come right back. Should I Re-plant or maybe just plant something else in their place

Maybe if you replant sprinkle merigold seeds in there too. That might fend off the bugs.
for some reason I’ve never had much luck with marigold for pest control in my garden. This year I’ve planted a lot of pot marigold or Candula ( not sure if I spelled that right ) Because I heard that works better and also attracks good insects. The fortress of various squash bug repellent plants I put around my squash and zucchini have been working so far. Usually I would have a massive infestation by now but haven’t found any. I’m sure it’s coming I’ve never had a year without it but these particular plants have save them off so far. Just trying to decide whether planting sunflowers and Having the infestation come back possibly or just saying screw it and plant some corn there
Then I have to find which chewing on my cabbage leaves before it gets out of hand. I can’t find the little bugger to see what he is. I went from having a bug free garden to a crazy infestation the past few weeks. Not real familiar with any cabbage bugs. I think it’s all the rain we’ve had. I noticed after a lot of rain the bugs amp up

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