What did you do in the garden today?

We planted a slew of old winter types of squash, and from the descriptions the flavors and textures vary, so you are in for an adventure to try the Gutamalan blue. You'll have to share the taste testing results . . . .
Lots of weeding in the garden today for me, plus I ended up pulling up a few plants that were done for the season. This leaves me with some blank space in my garden. Does anyone have any suggestions for anything I could plant this time of the year and still get harvested before it gets too cold here in Michigan?
You can plant any greens, radish, basically any cool weather crop. Then, you can set up a hay bale cold frame around it when the weather gets colder, and you'll be harvesting straight through November... or when ever it gets too iced in/snowed in to be able to access it. Then, you'll be having lots of salads in early March... or just as soon as you can break back into it!

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