What did you do in the garden today?

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THIS is why I hate brome. Those white pointy root looking things? Those are called stolons, and are underground stems that can travel up to 3' or more, looking for a place to pop up a new plant. They don't pull up well in heavy soil. The plant breaks free, leaving those to keep growing. :mad:
That's the grass that invades my garden beds! And the pointy parts hurt if they poke you. I love it outside of my garden, though! It's so lush and soft!
Does anyone know what to do with an over risen dough? I had my dough proofing in my Brevil oven at 85F for 30 minutes, but I didn't hear the buzzer go off, so it must have gone an hour.
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I shouldn't have cooked it as is.....................
I have a couple of small Japanese maple trees one of them that we planted about five years ago has a lot of seed pods on it and some of them are already dry so I pulled them off before they fall on the ground to get mixed in with the trillions of regular maple seed pods on the ground here wait did I say no it’s more like GADZILLIONS BUT ANYWAY, I WANT TO TRY TO GROW SOME MORE JAPANESE MAPLE TREES IN LITTLE POTS BUT EVERYTHING I READ SAYS YOU HAVE TO USE THE SEEDS IN THE FALL. THEY DRY UP NOT THE SPRing THEN WHY WERE SOME OF THEM ALREADY DRIED UP ON MY TREE, I DON’T KNOW.
oh dear, my voice to text got stuck in caps and I can’t really go back and fix it because I’m sitting outside in the dark waiting for my runner ducks nebulizer treatment to end
I raked up some grass that I mowed today, then went over the entire garden and pulled out every little weed I could find.

I found one little group of three Canada thistle plants and chopped down deep with the hoe to get a good portion of the roots. Two years ago the thistles were all over the bed, but being diligent at taking them out as soon as I saw them just about has them wiped out, I think.

I found one columbine that's growing in the onions. I don't know if it's a domestic black one that came from my flower bed, or one of the native Western columbines that were blooming just across the road last summer. It's staying where it's at, so I'll find out what it is eventually.

And I found a volunteer tomato hiding by a red lettuce plant. It's staying in place too. I'm curious to find out if the direct sown plant will catch up to my other tomato plants that I've spent the last two months nurturing. If it does, I just might direct-sow tomato seeds in the garden this fall instead of starting them inside.

And all that grass I raked up, I spread it out onto one of the raised beds as mulch.

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