What age to clip chickens wings?


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone,

I have 9 week old chickens (almost) and they can "fly" pretty well. I was wondering what age I should clip their wings. Also, I don't want to pin them...I want to clip.


P.S. Does anyone have some sort a good way they do it? Thanks again!
Usually chicks can fly pretty well at that age. You can try clipping the flight feathers on one wing. Don't cut into the secondary feathers.

If feathers are still growing out you may need to worry about hitting blood feathers so you need to be careful and look at the feather shafts for a dark core which means blood.

Young chicks go through multiple molts as they grow so you may need to keep doing it.

I find it's better to cover their pen and not clip if at all possible at that young of an age.
If taking the time to clip on, clip both sides. The unclipped side still gives enough lift to fly well enough a decent height and distance. Primary feathers are clipped not wings. When I clip I do it just below the end of the quill.
Usually chicks can fly pretty well at that age. You can try clipping the flight feathers on one wing. Don't cut into the secondary feathers.

If feathers are still growing out you may need to worry about hitting blood feathers so you need to be careful and look at the feather shafts for a dark core which means blood.

Young chicks go through multiple molts as they grow so you may need to keep doing it.

I find it's better to cover their pen and not clip if at all possible at that young of an age.

Thank you for all your info!
If taking the time to clip on, clip both sides. The unclipped side still gives enough lift to fly well enough a decent height and distance. Primary feathers are clipped not wings. When I clip I do it just below the end of the quill.

I heard that you should only clip one wing. If you do you both, then they will still have balance just as good as before. What do you think?
When both wings get clip what can happen is the drop like rocks if they managed to get up on something and they can injure a leg. I find it's best to start small Sith one and go from there. You can always trim more or do both wings.
I have 9 week old chickens
I would not clip wings at that age....or be very very careful that are no blood feathers.
If you get copious bleeding from cutting a blood feather don't screw around,
promptly pluck the bleeding feather out completely.
Also kind of fruitless as they are going to go thru another molt in a few weeks or so.

I find it's better to cover their pen and not clip if at all possible at that young of an age.
Ditto Dat^^^

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