Weird movement


Mar 21, 2024
One of my chicks is doing this weird hula-hoop/figure 8 motion with her head. My first instinct is that she is adjusting her crop? She came home (from my son's classroom with some other chicks) today, and they all hit the feed like they had never seen food before. That's when I noticed the head/neck motion. She seems otherwise healthy, I think. Normal poo. Any one experience a movement like that before. Almost looks like a dance ...
It's possible that the chick is exhibiting a behavior known as "head shaking" or "head bobbing," which can sometimes occur in response to discomfort or irritation in the crop or upper digestive tract. Chickens may perform this motion to try to dislodge something stuck in their throat or crop.

However, since the chick just came home today and immediately began eating voraciously, it's also possible that the head motion is simply a result of excitement or eagerness to eat. Sometimes, chicks can exhibit unusual behaviors when they're adjusting to a new environment or experiencing new stimuli.

Given that the chick seems otherwise healthy with normal droppings, it's a good sign. Continue to monitor her closely for any changes in behavior or signs of distress. If the head shaking persists or if you notice any other concerning symptoms, it may be worth contacting a veterinarian who specializes in poultry for further evaluation.
Yes, thank you. The shaking and bobbing sound accurate. I think I had landed on maybe sour crop or at least something to do with her crop and so this confirms I am thinking in the right direction.
She does seem otherwise fine, eating and drinking and eliminating. I'll check in the morning to see how her crop feels. I haven't had chicks in several years so it's all slowly coming back to me... very slowly!


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Yes, thank you. The shaking and bobbing sound accurate. I think I had landed on maybe sour crop or at least something to do with her crop and so this confirms I am thinking in the right direction.
She does seem otherwise fine, eating and drinking and eliminating. I'll check in the morning to see how her crop feels. I haven't had chicks in several years so it's all slowly coming back to me... very slowly!
Sour crop or crop issues could indeed be a possibility, especially considering the symptoms you described. Checking her crop in the morning is a good idea to assess for any abnormalities or blockages. Keep monitoring her closely, to see if you notice any changes or worsening symptoms. Best of luck with your chick!
Sour crop or crop issues could indeed be a possibility, especially considering the symptoms you described. Checking her crop in the morning is a good idea to assess for any abnormalities or blockages. Keep monitoring her closely, to see if you notice any changes or worsening symptoms. Best of luck with your chick!
She seems fine! I think she just overate and was trying to get comfortable. She's doing very well but I am keep an eye out just in case!

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