We have chicks! Question about ages and Sexing wyandottes

I brought my buff Orpington and black laced golden Wyandotte’s from a local farm. I don’t think they hatch them there , I think they resell birds . Anyway my birds have been home one week. And they were probably three days old when I picked up. So they are about 10 days
old . Some are dark and some lighter. But they have wing feathers and most have tail feathers. They are both coming to me when I go into the room.
I am loving one of our buff's. The wyandottes are still jerks but I've got 1 buff, 1 australorp who frequently come up to me. 1 barred rock will once in a while come up to me. It's a start! But as much as I want to love the wyandottes their becoming so pretty their just being jerks lol Congrats on yours.
I don't have a phone to take pictures anymore but I have gotten my parents to send me some of what they took. The first three I dont know when they were taken I'm guessing recent. But the last one was just tonight lol I think because my mom has a little string with a latch hanging off her phone the chick looked up at it.


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Update: My moms thinking two roosters. I don't have pictures sadly but two of them have more black. While the other two definately look more and more like a gold lace wyandotte with the lacing showing. One has more than the other. But their looking really pretty. Though their still jerks lol. Im still inclined to admit the buff orpingtons and the black australorps are my favorites.

I however have all but detached myself on whether trying to figure out which of the 4 are roosters. We'll find out if/when one starts crowing lol HOWEVER!

Were also getting 2 brahma chicks that are straight run. Bring on the fluffballs lol
I'd be curious to see your pics. I have two Silver Laced Wyandottes that are supposed to be pullets, but it's always interesting to compare...
I don't have very many pictures to show of their aging since I didn't have a phone to take pictures and my parents rarely sent them to my email when I asked. The first three are 3 out of four wyandottes. They were taken april 26th. I wish I had more pictures. We got them March 20th and we were told they were all a day old but we suspect the wyandottes were about a week- week and a half older.

Additional: I just realized in the first picture I think you can see the 4th wyandotte lol. Anyways first picture were guessing females. Other two males. Atleast so far. Nothings started crowing yet lol But either way all four are jerks.


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Also this was when we were still digging a spot for cement for the coop and we let them outside because we had summer weather.. But You can kind of make out the darker coloring on two of the wyandottes. And also if you look behind the farthest barred rock the two black australorps the one on the right is my little runt chick. She's the only one not inside our coop yet of this original group.

Theres something off about her and we still can't figure it out. My mom thinks shes blind but I think maybe at most shes partially blind. But either way she wouldn't bond with the others of her own age. But when we introduced 2 light brahmas chicks we got when she was 3 weeks old she bonded with them. But even thought she does act slightly better as soon as we put her and the brahmas outside she sits like in the picture and I call it statue chicken because she just sits like that and won't move. Hopefully it'll change but I dunno.. I worry about her.

So right now we still have her, 2 light brahmas and two easter egger chicks in the brooder. Hoping she bonds with them all and itll get her to be a bit more active when going outside with them.


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Also this was when we were still digging a spot for cement for the coop and we let them outside because we had summer weather.. But You can kind of make out the darker coloring on two of the wyandottes. And also if you look behind the farthest barred rock the two black australorps the one on the right is my little runt chick. She's the only one not inside our coop yet of this original group.

Theres something off about her and we still can't figure it out. My mom thinks shes blind but I think maybe at most shes partially blind. But either way she wouldn't bond with the others of her own age. But when we introduced 2 light brahmas chicks we got when she was 3 weeks old she bonded with them. But even thought she does act slightly better as soon as we put her and the brahmas outside she sits like in the picture and I call it statue chicken because she just sits like that and won't move. Hopefully it'll change but I dunno.. I worry about her.

So right now we still have her, 2 light brahmas and two easter egger chicks in the brooder. Hoping she bonds with them all and itll get her to be a bit more active when going outside with them.
Aww, there's always gotta be one that makes us worry, doesn't there!? ❤️❤️❤️

Last season for us that was my one that was really getting picked on, I was afraid she was going to lose her eye. But she recovered and even escaped a fox attack last fall, when we lost two of her sisters. :( She is still the smallest, but I do think she has such a lovely shape, and lays the textbook very many fine speckles to make a terracotta Welsummer egg, different from her sisters too, so that's special.

This year it's a runty little one that had splay legs and would not have made it through the first night if we hadn't stepped in to nurse her. I really wasn't sure she was going to make it, and I still don't, but she is putting on weight and not getting picked on, so I'm hoping she will be okay to stay and integrate with our existing flock. She is just so precious, and I hope she hangs in there just so I can see her lay her first egg!

They really have a way of pulling on your heartstrings. Haha. I hope your baby Australorp finds her little niche and holds her own. They are such fantastic chickens.
Aww, there's always gotta be one that makes us worry, doesn't there!? ❤️❤️❤️

Last season for us that was my one that was really getting picked on, I was afraid she was going to lose her eye. But she recovered and even escaped a fox attack last fall, when we lost two of her sisters. :( She is still the smallest, but I do think she has such a lovely shape, and lays the textbook very many fine speckles to make a terracotta Welsummer egg, different from her sisters too, so that's special.

This year it's a runty little one that had splay legs and would not have made it through the first night if we hadn't stepped in to nurse her. I really wasn't sure she was going to make it, and I still don't, but she is putting on weight and not getting picked on, so I'm hoping she will be okay to stay and integrate with our existing flock. She is just so precious, and I hope she hangs in there just so I can see her lay her first egg!

They really have a way of pulling on your heartstrings. Haha. I hope your baby Australorp finds her little niche and holds her own. They are such fantastic chickens.
Right! It's our first flock. Shes definately worrying me. To be honest I keep telling myself to not name her but I've pretty much already settled on the name Kiora for her lol.

I have 2 that I hope hangs in there to lay and possibly provide some future offspring later on. One is of course Kiora. The other is the buff in the third picture. My mother who has been giving all the other chickens pun names named her Rosemary and shes just so sweet. She comes up for pets and you can pretty much carry her in your hand and she wont try escaping at all.

Today my dad was working on some tweaks to the run and my mom said Rosemary went up to him and he pet her a bit. And he says he doesnt care for chickens lol. So lets face it. Rosemary is probably going to be everyones all time favorite just because of her personality. But Kiora is my favorite baby runt lol.

I'm honestly looking forward to getting seeing eggs in general. But that won't be till late in the year.

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