WARNING: GFIC outlets may not protect against coop fires!


6 Years
Apr 4, 2014
New Jersey, "The Garden State"
First off, I am not a licensed electrician, but I do have a better than average understanding about electric wiring.

There are many posts touting the necessities of wiring your coop via a GFCI Receptacle, which helps protect people from shock or electrocution resulting from ground faults. This is all great information that may save your life, but not necessarily your coop from a fire.

Unless you have steel-sheathed cable or the equivalent, your electrical wiring insulation may effortlessly become compromised by a rodent chewing through it. There then is an excellent possibility it could develop an arcing condition that may not trip a GFCI receptacle.

That arc may very well ignite the combustible materials associated within our coops!

I did a quick site search and found little to no posts about the benefit of using a AFCI/GFCI Dual Function Outlet such as the one I have installed in my home, supplying electricity to my coop. An AFCI receptacle or breaker is designed to trip upon an arcing condition.

I started this thread hoping to make aware the false sense of security many have believing they have done a fine job wiring their coop…

It’s you coop, your choice, but my advice to all is that if you do not know what you are doing, you should consider hiring a licensed professional, not me, as I can only offer my opinion. :hmm

I hope this helps someone prevent a potential disaster.
I'm sure to meet new code requirements...
Yep. They said the most likely cause of arc faults in the past were from people who ran extension cords under carpets, the cord wore through with years of people walking on them. Arcing catches the carpet on fire, house burns down. It is pretty unlikely with wire properly run through walls, not on the floor.

BUT the chewing rodent angle has merit, especially outside in a barn or coop.
First off, I am not a licensed electrician, but I do have a better than average understanding about electric wiring.

There are many posts touting the necessities of wiring your coop via a GFCI Receptacle, which helps protect people from shock or electrocution resulting from ground faults. This is all great information that may save your life, but not necessarily your coop from a fire.

Unless you have steel-sheathed cable or the equivalent, your electrical wiring insulation may effortlessly become compromised by a rodent chewing through it. There then is an excellent possibility it could develop an arcing condition that may not trip a GFCI receptacle.

That arc may very well ignite the combustible materials associated within our coops!

I did a quick site search and found little to no posts about the benefit of using a AFCI/GFCI Dual Function Outlet such as the one I have installed in my home, supplying electricity to my coop. An AFCI receptacle or breaker is designed to trip upon an arcing condition.

I started this thread hoping to make aware the false sense of security many have believing they have done a fine job wiring their coop…

It’s you coop, your choice, but my advice to all is that if you do not know what you are doing, you should consider hiring a licensed professional, not me, as I can only offer my opinion. :hmm

I hope this helps someone prevent a potential disaster.

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