used tea bags as food?


9 Years
Aug 8, 2010
Putnam Co.
Tossed used lipton teabag into the run. This afternoon all that was left was the string and tag. Any reason why I shouldnt toss a used teabag into the stuf they eat daily?


Not sure about the benefits or disadvantages, but DO NOT put the string in there! Lots of threads regarding fatal and near fatal incidents from chickens having access to strings.

The only thing I see from used tea is possible crop impaction if they got enough. I, too, am curious as to why?
If you do it, empty the bag in a bowl or something first. The bag and string can be dangerous...
I had a baby that got a string wrapped around its tongue.... yeah... not good.
I'd also worry about the caffeine in the tea being okay for them to have?...
Do you know how much stuff gos into that stuff? There is way to many cemicals in those that we may be able to handle but chickens can not. Plus caffine is not very good for poultry they are already hyper enough. But thats just my personal veiw. Then again I am very aware of the stuff that gos into my ducks mouths. And I am alway afraid if they eat something that may harm them. I also dont feed them anything like that, I feed mine a diet of weat and chicken scratch. So they are as healthy as posible. But im also a paranoyed freak! So if you want to feed them that its at your own risk.
Hmm...I read somewhere that feeding salmon gives the eggs omega three...if I feed them coffee grounds could I get caffeine in my eggs???

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