Upside down egg? To flip or not to flip?


10 Years
Feb 24, 2009
I candled eggs in my bator this week - on day 8.
Here's where I'm totally in wonder: One has the air sac on the bottom - what the heck is that??? I put the eggs in exactly as she gave them to me... pointy end down, but this one looks upside down! The egg itself is very oval in shape, and it is hard to tell which end is pointier, but is it possible that there's been some growth even though it's upside down???? And maybe I'm looking at something incorrectly, but it looks like a completely upside down version of what I'm seeing in all the other eggs. I had another teacher look with me, and she agreed. So... will it definitely die? What if I flipped it now? (today is day 10). It really looks like something is in there - I see a dark mass moving and everything.
Any thoughts?? Thanks!
I've had them develop when the air cell is at the wrong end...and hatch too! I would flip it, but make sure on day 18 you lay it on its side to hatch so that no matter which end the chick is at it can still pip. Good luck!
Yes i would trun it your not that far in i filled my first hatch upside down even knew better it was at the end when i saw what had happend they will develop just fine upside down but it will decrease your hatch some most chicks can still get out but some cant espicaly if they are weeker chicks
Usually the suggestion for air cells in the wrong place is to set the egg outside a turner or carton and turn by hand. Otherwise if that's not possible I'd just turn it over so the air cell is up.
Thanks... I checked it again today and it was upside down for sure... so I flipped it! Here's hoping for the best!!
No, the air sack is still being used upside down, until the chick breaks through to the membrane it should not be that big of an issue. HOWEVER, consider the chick has been growing up to this point upside down and may have oriented in the egg differently. So I would first lay the egg on its side in the incubator for a day or two, hand rotating it about 7 times a day (opposed to the others), then finish the flipping the egg.... that might help to re-orintate the chick if it has grown abnormally.
As previously said, when hatch time occurs, lay it back on its side as it may pip at either end, you wouldnt think that to occur but have heard about it somewhere.
I'm sorry but I did not expect the quick feed back so I figured since it is just blood vessels that have formed I would flip it so what should I do

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