Update on my little grey silkie and others :)


12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Memphis, TN
Good news::: A miracle occured and the little grey silkie whom I was so worried about last night has made a big turn around....she's not 100% but she's at least 75% great now. He/she is eating on her own and even drinking on her own now and you can tell she just feels better. Not sleeping as much,,,standing better, etc.
She is still a bit wobbly on her feet but nothing like before. I hope she continues to get stronger. I really wasn't sure if she would make it through the night be she did and as the day has gone by she has gotten better and better! Thank goodness!!!!
It is now day 20 on my next batch of eggs which include more silkies, wh crested polish bantams and a some white frizzles. We'll see what happens! I'm watching them close now! Lots of eggs in the hatch-o-bator!!!
My other little silkie,,the white one is a real spit fire...he/she prefers to be in the brood pen with the frizzles rather than the little guys. I have 2 pens and she is the smallest one in that pen and is right up in the middle of things thinking it's as big as they are. The frizzles are only 3 days older but man what a difference that makes!!! Good googly! My frizzles are 5 days old and already getting their big boy big girl feathers! They think they are something else....the "Mullet" guy who is most definitely a rooster is the leader of the gang,,,sporting what looks to be a mullet haircut,...he must have some polish in him because it's a cross from a mullet and a fro. He is the big feet scratcher and enjoys showing off his big trick of scratching. The others stare but he and one other frizzle are the only ones yet who can scratch so they love to show off this enormous delightful trick. I'll maybe take a picture of "Mullet" later. That name just fits him. He is grey and black striped with a poofy poof on his head. Tooooo cute!
Hey Freebie,
No I'm not keeping them all,,,so far I have found a few good homes for some extras here in Memphis so I'm thankful. But I do think I want to keep a large sum of them! I just love them....they are such fun to watch......
Where did I read this,,,,the other day it may have been on here someone wrote: "Do you need a stress reliever, own Chickens"! He also said "There is nothing better than coming home from a hard day of work and sitting in my back yard and watching my chickens!" He claimed it to be a great stress relief and down right humorous to watch. I can totally see that now that I have my own!

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