Unhealthy Cockerel, Bad Hatch; What's Wrong?

Lacy Duckwing

RIP Sarah
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Nov 6, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
Almost three weeks ago, I hatched out this cockerel, Nightfall, along with two pullets. The pullets are healthy and strong, but there was something wrong with the cockerel from the moment it had hatched.

First off, when the cockerel hatched, there was a little bit of blood. Within the first 24-48 hours I had to take care of a very mild case of pasty butt because of the blood. And also, before he fluffed out, there was what appeared to be a ring around his vent. Sorry no pictures of any of this. Then, he's very docile and not as active as his sisters. His wings almost appear to droop a little. This has always been with Nightfall.

I got the eggs from somebody else. I had 8 eggs in total under my broody, three brown, five EE eggs. All the eggs were fertilized by an EE. Nightfall's mother is a Rhode Island Blue. All three of the brown eggs hatched (shockingly early), but none of the EE eggs hatched. Of the five EE eggs, one was a dud. On the others, one pipped then died, another died on maybe day 7, and the rest died before that. From what I'm assuming, there's something wrong with the EE parent flock, and that's including the father. Somehow my two pullets are fine, but my cockerel isn't.

I am wondering if anybody could tell me what's wrong with my cockerel, and if there's anything I can do to help him. If you read the spoiler, I'd also like to know what exactly is wrong with the whole hatch if possible. Thanks in advance! :)

Edit: I'm starting to question his sight... Is there possibly that he has bad eyesight?
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Can you post a picture of the cockerel?
Here's a picture that I took a few days ago:
With a weak chick, there may be some weakness, heart issue, or internal organ problem that is making it thepis way. I would make sure that he is pooping, give water in a small cup or lid often, and use a couple of drops of Poultry NutriDrench daily for a few days. If he has pasty butt, give him some chilled coconut oil to peck or mineral oil in some food. Wet a small amount of it’s feed and try to get it eating or pecking some dry feed on paper towel around it’s feet. Hopefully you can save it.
With a weak chick, there may be some weakness, heart issue, or internal organ problem that is making it thepis way. I would make sure that he is pooping, give water in a small cup or lid often, and use a couple of drops of Poultry NutriDrench daily for a few days. If he has pasty butt, give him some chilled coconut oil to peck or mineral oil in some food. Wet a small amount of it’s feed and try to get it eating or pecking some dry feed on paper towel around it’s feet. Hopefully you can save it.
Ok. Thank you! :hugs
How is he/she now?
He's doing great now. He's my rooster for my flock and looks great.
However, he is a bit of a coward, and a couple of his hens like to beat him up some. I'm thinking just giving them time to get used to him will be good. I also don't think he'll be a good breeder because I think he's carrying bad lineage.

This is him now:

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