UK - Best duck food?


Nov 7, 2021
Cambridgeshire, UK
Hi all,

I'm wondering if any UK duck keepers would be happy to share what they feed their ducks/what type of food you've gone for?

A lot of advice on here is to go for flock raiser/all flock diets, but those don't seem to exist here. I did try searching the forum for if anyone else asked this question, but didn't have any luck, so forgive me if someone did already post this.

I currently feed Fancy Feed growers pellets (and supplement niacin). I might just go for the Fancy Feed fenland waterfowl pellets though honestly they look very similar nutritionally and ingredients-wise to the growers?

Is there any harm in just keeping them on the growers, and offering free choice oyster shell for laying hens? Because the growers is a little cheaper and they do look really similar.

I've done so much research and so many sites have conflicting info so I'd rather ask here!
Sadly, your nutritional labels in the UK aren't as good as ours, and the labeling "all flock, flock raiser, grower, etc" means very little. Anything between 18 and 24% protein (I know the EU and the OK generally are lower protein than us in the US, so that shouldn't be a problem) is fine, target 1.5% calcium +/-, oyster shell on the side, and if you can't get a niacin level on the label, continue to suppliment. (though its most important in the first months of life)
Sadly, your nutritional labels in the UK aren't as good as ours, and the labeling "all flock, flock raiser, grower, etc" means very little. Anything between 18 and 24% protein (I know the EU and the OK generally are lower protein than us in the US, so that shouldn't be a problem) is fine, target 1.5% calcium +/-, oyster shell on the side, and if you can't get a niacin level on the label, continue to suppliment. (though its most important in the first months of life)

Thanks for the advice!

Yeah the labels aren't the best. Honestly, I might just email a few different brands about the niacin levels and calcium, etc of their products. Most feed is around 16-17% protein, but I've seen a couple a little higher so I'll look into them as well.

God I wish I could just buy the brands you all use over there 😅
These forums are chock full of posts from confused people in the US too! I helped another UK poster maybe two weeks back? Let me see if I can find that post. (Chicken feed, not ducks).

Here it is Hope it helps.

Thanks again - that is helpful!
Good to know my instincts were correct about Fancy Feed being one of the better brands with more clearly listed nutrients. For some reason I didn't look at the slightly higher protein breeder pellets, but they do look like a good possible option for the ducks too.

I'll keep on researching and maybe emailing some companies! Heygates has an 18% protein breeder pellet with fish oil but no ingredients or other nutrient levels listed online, frustratingly... which seems to be the way with a LOT of companies here.

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