Turkey Hen Injured/Ill?


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2023
I have a one year old Bourbon Red hen that I thought injured her wing, as it was slightly drooping. Upon inspection, there was no sign of injury, and thought it may be a tendon issue. Each day her wing drooped more, now four days in, and now she's having difficulty walking. She was separated, but now I have her confined.
Does anyone have ANY suggestions, or experience with this? Droppings are normal, eating and drinking normally.
She is the underdog of her group, so I'm wondering if she's got a deficiency? I've never seen anything like this in any of my turkeys. She was perfectly healthy until four days ago. Even when her wing started drooping she was still able to fly. She's getting progressively worse every day. Almost slow botulism-like symptoms, minus the hanging head.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit- She is totally alert, friendly as always, it's almost as if her body is giving out on her.
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She was with 2 toms, but for the last few weeks, in with hens only.
The reason I ask is because it sounds like a mating injury. Multiple toms in with a few hens can lead to broken eggs, injured hens and at the worst a dead hen.

The toms will knock each other off of the hen's back to prevent each other from breeding the hen.

The injuries don't always leave external signs.
If that was what happened, would it take approximately two weeks to show up? She's only been acting like this for a few days. She's been in a separate pen with two other hens, all are pretty mellow, I've never seen any fighting between them.

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