They are becoming big girls!


David Bowie is my co-pilot
11 Years
Dec 15, 2008
I was feeding and talking to my Red Stars this morning and along with their little baby peeps I heard a "bwaaAAACK!!!" They are 12 weeks old and I was wondering if I would ever hear an actual chicken sound from them. I thought I just had quiet chickens.
The elusive Goosechicken! I can't wait to see what the next couple weeks will bring.

I have been trying to upload pics I got of my girls today to the computer but can't figure this whole Linux thing out.
My WL girls will every once in a while honk. I thought it was a goose the first time I heard it. lol
My bo's are 12 weeks old and the first time I heard it I thought they had picked up a resp. problem LOL . Chicks are so much fun. Their peeps also sound different. jean

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