It was all Halloween stuff but looks very real. Skeleton of a fish and dog along with the duck, they really go crazy with it and have a whole front yard of the skeletons. I just don't know where in the world they store it all as they do this every year.
Big Attic? Basement? - Or they park their cars outside for the rest of the year… 🤣
The big river sells Duck-skeletons, i found:
I had read that pumpkin seeds get rid of parasites also in ducks so I have been adding some I got off of Amazon with no salt or flavoring, just good old plain pumpkin seeds that are small and green. I don't know if it is true or not but I have been giving it to them occasionally.
The only pumpkin i ever managed to grow fell victim to my ducks the day before i had planned to harvest it. When my white ducks showed up orange at the patio, i knew what had happened…
I will try to grow pumpkin next year again, thanks for that info! Regardless of weather it is true or not, the ducks love to eat pumpkin. And water melons and other melons…
The only pumpkin i ever managed to grow fell victim to my ducks the day before i had planned to harvest it. When my white ducks showed up orange at the patio, i knew what had happened…
I will try to grow pumpkin next year again, thanks for that info! Regardless of weather it is true or not, the ducks love to eat pumpkin. And water melons and other melons…
I tried to give my ducks some cantaloupe and only my Khaki ducks would eat it. Mine are so picky!
Mine eat almost everything, even cucumbers are not safe. But they absolutely hate zucchini squash. I once diced them a beautiful juicy green Zucchini and they looked at me as if i just tried poisoning them… :confused:
Mine will eat cucumbers sliced up and also our big green zucchini squash. They will eat some tomatoes and they love lettuce. That's about it though and now that the garden is done they are left with only the lettuce that I buy for them and their regular duck pellets.
That is hard to adjust to. We're in the upper 60's today tomorrow 40's then tomorrow night 20 for a low. Boy that snuck up on us.
We were in the 40's today and will be in the 20's tonight. The air feels so cold because we are not used to it being this cold yet. I miss fall. This feels like winter and tomorrow night we might get some sleet and some of the four letter word that is white stuff! Nooooo!!!!!

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