How’s your phone did it recover?
Sorry you’ve been down in the dumps:hugs
Phone is still sitting in rice. Instructions say to do this for 48 hours, so we'll see tomorrow.

:hugs I'm doing okay. Busy gardening with unseasonal warm weather.
What are you growing? What are the usual winter lows in your area?

Phone is still sitting in rice. Instructions say to do this for 48 hours, so we'll see tomorrow.


What are you growing? What are the usual winter lows in your area?

3c is average with top of 12-14c. Has been low of 8 and above 17 for almost two weeks. Even had a tulip come out in bloom! But that said, I have not been on this side of town before, and as our new boss says we came from Gods country (100km away) and moved to the outback, so it's possible that's completely normal for this part
3c is average with top of 12-14c. Has been low of 8 and above 17 for almost two weeks. Even had a tulip come out in bloom! But that said, I have not been on this side of town before, and as our new boss says we came from Gods country (100km away) and moved to the outback, so it's possible that's completely normal for this part
I would love weather like that over winter.

But not the critters that come with it! :lau
Phone is still sitting in rice. Instructions say to do this for 48 hours, so we'll see tomorrow.


What are you growing? What are the usual winter lows in your area?

And as for growing, I'm removing overgrown plants, breaking up and replanting what I can where we have removed saltbush. I do have garlic and onions sprouting though. And getting 2 butt nuggets a day from 6 feathery butts.
I would love weather like that over winter.

But not the critters that come with it! :lau
I did have a fox sitting within 4 feet of me just watching me hang the washing on the line that took me a good 3 minutes to realise it wasn't the dog. and when I tried to hunt it away it looked very offended as if to say "I just saw you feed that mangey cat! Where's my dinner!"
And as for growing, I'm removing overgrown plants, breaking up and replanting what I can where we have removed saltbush. I do have garlic and onions sprouting though. And getting 2 butt nuggets a day from 6 feathery butts.
I was going to ask what the heck butt nuggets and feathery butts are, then it clicked! :lauI'm going to have to start calling them that!

I did have a fox sitting within 4 feet of me just watching me hang the washing on the line that took me a good 3 minutes to realise it wasn't the dog. and when I tried to hunt it away it looked very offended as if to say "I just saw you feed that mangey cat! Where's my dinner!"
Oh wow. Tell it to go eat the rabbits >.> LOL
Rowan is so cute!!! I love their rosie cheeks, they always look happy. Can he talk?

He mostly whistles - he can do Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, and a few other whistles like a wolf whistle - but he does say "What are you doing?" He picked it up because I kept saying it to Pixel so much when she was a puppy, LOL.

I just tried to entice him to eat with some millet spray - no dice :( He looked at it a bit like he was interested, but then didn't go for it.

Edit: Well, he decided to go bicker with Luna over her millet and is eating it, lol. That makes me feel better.

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