Happy Mid-Week-Day to everybody!

I hate my phone! Almost threw it through the window yesterday!
Due to the heat that three emerging ducklings were producing it was necessary to crack open the CCI's lid to let some warm air escape. I used the opportunity to place the :he-phone on top and started recording a video of the yellow fluff-ball hatching. When the little one was just out, the phone switched off because it was overheating… without saving the almost one hour long video:mad:
All i have left from the hatching event are some 2 second sequences, where i tried to record without additional light...
Anyways, the little yellow fuzz-ball is very healthy, made his maiden-💩 this morning and has started to drink water. Interest in food has also increased and it is able to upright itself after falling on its back within a couple of seconds. Looking good!
The other tho ducklings still hang out in their shells, the blood vessels in the membranes have contracted and one of them has started to turn, so sometime today…
It's only 87 F here but very humid so it feels awfully hot. I got up at 3:00 am to go clean my last school bus inside. I can only work on it for 5 hours and by 8:45 it was starting to get really hot inside. I was glad that I got clocked in early so I could leave early. I don't like all of the cold in the winter but 70 degrees F is very nice. lol
It is too hot! If I wanted this heat and humidity, I wouldn't live in Vermont. Bleh.

Trying to do some cleaning to get ready for my NPIP testing on Monday and it was so hot I barely got through one coop before I had to call it. I also managed to cut myself on a nail that was randomly sticking out of a shelf that had fallen off the wall in my workshop, so that's great and now I'm wondering when my last tetanus shot was. Gonna have to call the doctor tomorrow morning to find out.

On the bright side, I DID get my emu pasture cam set up today, so there's that! Spot the emu:

emu cam.jpg
It is too hot! If I wanted this heat and humidity, I wouldn't live in Vermont. Bleh.

Trying to do some cleaning to get ready for my NPIP testing on Monday and it was so hot I barely got through one coop before I had to call it. I also managed to cut myself on a nail that was randomly sticking out of a shelf that had fallen off the wall in my workshop, so that's great and now I'm wondering when my last tetanus shot was. Gonna have to call the doctor tomorrow morning to find out.

On the bright side, I DID get my emu pasture cam set up today, so there's that! Spot the emu:

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So sorry it is hot there also. We had only 87 F here yesterday but I had a bus that needed cleaning so I got to work at 3:45 am and was able to be done by 8:45 am to beat the heat. By 8:45 though the sun was up and the bus inside was becoming extremely hot. I hope it cools off there soon for you birds. I LOVE your Emu!!!! Lucky you!!! I have a friend that had 2 on his farm that he sells tickets for people to come and see and something scared one so badly it ran into the fence and died. His is alone but does well it seems. Beautiful picture and setup, lots of shade. I bet you have one happy Emu. Sorry you got hurt too. I on purpose get a tetnus shot every ten years because I am always getting scratched or cut on something it seems.
Well crud, I called the doctor and they said my last tetanus shot was in 2017. I feel like I called a few years ago and asked because I had gotten cut and they had told me it was more recent than that, but I must have misremembered.

So now I'm in the urgent care waiting to get a booster, ugh. I'll be paranoid about tetanus now.
So sorry it is hot there also. We had only 87 F here yesterday but I had a bus that needed cleaning so I got to work at 3:45 am and was able to be done by 8:45 am to beat the heat. By 8:45 though the sun was up and the bus inside was becoming extremely hot. I hope it cools off there soon for you birds. I LOVE your Emu!!!! Lucky you!!! I have a friend that had 2 on his farm that he sells tickets for people to come and see and something scared one so badly it ran into the fence and died. His is alone but does well it seems. Beautiful picture and setup, lots of shade. I bet you have one happy Emu. Sorry you got hurt too. I on purpose get a tetnus shot every ten years because I am always getting scratched or cut on something it seems.

I have five emus :) This camera only sees the front part of the pasture, with the baby barn visible and the adult barn to the left, so I can't see everything, but they spend a lot of their time hanging out in that area. Plus it looks over at the goose and turkey coop and run, so I can sort of see them too, haha.
Well crud, I called the doctor and they said my last tetanus shot was in 2017. I feel like I called a few years ago and asked because I had gotten cut and they had told me it was more recent than that, but I must have misremembered.

So now I'm in the urgent care waiting to get a booster, ugh. I'll be paranoid about tetanus now.
Thought you needed it only every seven years??

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