Baby ducks extend their legs. Some times both. Double duck yoga.
Like that:

Pinball Duck(ling) in 2019…
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Congratulations! - How are the other eggs doing?
Six DIS :(

I had put thirteen others in last week, since I'd thought I was over the Curse of No Ducklings since the eight were doing well. I was wrong. And out of those thirteen, six were clear. So, seven more sitting in there.

Also going to put in a bunch of chicken eggs on the weekend. Testing out the theory of hatching on the Waxing Moon.
Happy Third Monday to Everybody!

Feels like summer here, temperatures approaching 30° (86F), light wind from the south, grass growing a foot per day, weeds slowly overtaking the duck yard,…
And a long weekend ahead!
We've reached out high of 11 today (51F). Rained this morning. Very windy. At least it keeps the mosquitos at bay...

We just had our long weekend. Not that it matters when you're unemployed.

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