You guys have strange ducks ;). Our ducks when the snow came at first they was cautious, but once they checked it out they was ok with it. They did lay down in it a bit more it seemed than without snow, however they still was running around and even would go swimming in their pool if I was able to break the ice on the surface for them.
Either you have not gotten any real snow in the flatland, or your ducks are a weird snow-loving breed. Obviously you haven't found my »Les Miserables - Ducks in the Snow« mini-series from last winter:
Either you have not gotten any real snow in the flatland, or your ducks are a weird snow-loving breed. Obviously you haven't found my »Les Miserables - Ducks in the Snow« mini-series from last winter:
Yeah, I thought about that after I posted it. If all you guys are saying that, maybe it was actually mine that was the weird ones lol. Although when that storm came through we did from the looks have almost as much on the ground as your third video you linked. Yours were hilarious how they all ran out then was like oh, heck no, and ran back in! Ours did stand at their door and look out for a bit like what did you do to our yard. Then they ran out once they realized it wasn't going to get them though.
The girls got supervised free time

Bet they just loved that! We been letting chickens out quite a bit lately here and they sure seem to love it!
Nothing beats scratching in the green grass they tell me. I was rewarded with 3 lovely eggs after their forage. They are all still recovering from molt so I am very pleased with that. How many do you have?

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