I was wondering what is going on in the duck-house in the morning before i let the Quacken out. - Somehow the duck-door computer was sabotaged and i begin to understand what happened and why the wires are looking so twisted…
It turns out that this year's ducklings are by far the flightiest ducks ever, walking on the second floor - which is intended to be storage area for straw- and hay-bales - without any fear. First there's a white layer duck up there been joined at a moment's notice by a Buff Orpington and then another Buff Orpington. That Buff Orpington Duck then flies across the whole duck-house, landing in the Puddle-Duck's bedroom and being chased off by Rusty. She might have landed on his back… And in the End there is Tweedledee Duck, roosting on the bedroom-wall answering my »Good Morning Ducks« quacking LOUDLY - i had to limit the sound of this video to -3db, that girl has her mother's (Pinball!) voice.
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