So, I don't know if anyone here feeds Nutrena at all, but they're rolling out a rewards program for those who use their feed and pet foods. You sign up and then scan your receipts with Nutrena purchases to earn rewards points. They just gave out the info at my work.

You can sign up here:
Miserable Saturday! - Raining cats, dogs and ducks!
Can't do a thing outside and the strawberry-bed needs to be dug-up and prepped with duck-gold as thestrawberry plants need to be planted asap. Just 1½ month before the first frost!!!

So i went to buy some groceries.

Do they still teach a thing called »math« at schools here?

I believe that has been discontinued:

Went to »Shave Somewhat« and bought, among other things, three ½ gallon bottles of milk; we don't buy the 1 gallon bottles because usually the last ¼ of those goes bad here. Anyways, i placed all three bottles into one plastic bags and placed that bag into a second bag when…

»Sir! Please don't double bag!«

»I beg your pardon?«

»Please don't double bag! These bags are bad for the environment, they kill fish and wildlife and end up in the pacific garbage patch. Please use only single bags.«

»Uum, i have three bottles of milk in two bags, if i take a single bag for each bottle i would need three bags. I save one bag this way.«

»No Sir! We have a strict policy here at »Shave Somewhat«, only single bags are allowed.«

»Okay, i use three bags then.«

Stuffed all three milk bottles in one bag each, which earned me a nod of approval and the statement »See, we all can make a difference.«

🤦🏻‍♂️ 🤯 🤣
Good morning everyone, ducks getting them some rain here today and enjoying it, me not so much have projects that need done in the yard, ducklings want to go play, but they are not feathered yet so not letting them and they are protesting lol. Hopefully it clears up and I can get stuff done and they can get themselves some yard time. Still a great day!
Was on the road this morning around 7 am, went to a no-hoof livestock sale. Came home with three rabbits, two ducks (a Welshie and a buff, both females), and seven bantam chickens! The chickens are my daughter's, btw, and we're splitting the ducks. She immediately took the Welshie, of course. Which is fine, I love the Buffs.

Got two splash Cochin hens, one Cochin/Silkie mix hen, and four (3 hens 1 roo) Old English Duckwing.

Now I can relax and have some tea before I figure out where the heck all of these are going!!!

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