I love the reaction of Southies when we have fires on the ice. Nothing better than sitting around a huge bonfire in the middle of the ice.

Hand augers and chisels might get a hole through 3 ft of ice. But you’re going to be tired, wet, and ticked off before you get to water.

The reason we make bonfires on the ice is recreational, but has a essential reason too. It’s for gathering low grade food.

The dux will see the water the fire melts and land in it not realizing the water will freeze as soon as the fire goes out. Thus the dux are stuck on the ice and we can simply harvest them at our leisure.

it saves on ammo.
That’s cheating!
Good Day, Afternoon, Evening, Night or Morning to everybody on the Blue Marble planet!

Just when you want to dig holes for fence-posts, build a second raised bed for sweet potatoes or vegetables the weather turns frosty! March is not too far away anymore and i have to build two raised beds and dig over and till three existing ones. And now build an electric fence asap.
I guess i need another pot of tea…
Sure are! You can't sell them live (people don't want to buy them live I mean) so you can make a fortune on them dressed
I live in a city but it’s a very mixed bag here. There is still quite a bit of agriculture around with chickens and quail being fairly common in backyards. We had quail for a bit but I was too allergic and they gave me hives. They are so much easier and faster to process than a chicken too.

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